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Traducción de "verbatim"

¿Existe algún término en español que signifique lo mismo que "verbatim" en inglés? Google Translate sugiere un anglicismo que no existe en el DLE.
Edwar's user avatar
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"Ironworking" en castellano (en lugar de "Blacksmithing")

Tengo un estudiante que quiere ser ironworker y no blacksmith. Sin embargo, tengo entendido que el español tiene la misma palabra para ironworker y blacksmith (herrero). Todos los recursos que veo en ...
K Man's user avatar
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En el prefacio del libro Don Quixote, hay un frase: Donde eres señor della--¿qué significa?

En el prefacio--el prólogo--del libro Don Quixote, hay una frase: Donde eres señor della--¿qué significa? No puedo encontrar esta palabra (della) en ningún traductor.
RolloMartins's user avatar
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¿Cómo se dice "Gold digger" en español?

En inglés, la frase "gold digger" tiene connotaciones de una persona que utiliza su relación para aprovecharse de otra persona inocente para conseguir dinero y otro lujos. ¿Cómo se dice &...
Peter M's user avatar
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What verbs might you use to describe "holding" or "gripping" a climbing hold?

¿Agárralo? ¿Sosténgalo? ¿"Agárralo así"?
Acorn's user avatar
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Traducción (a una palabra) de "restraining order"

Estoy buscando una palabra que estoy seguro se usaba en Venezuela, o quizá más bien era en las traducciones / doblajes de las series de televisión policíacas estadounidenses que veíamos en Venezuela (...
Cal-linux's user avatar
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What is the meaning of the English word “ravished” in this sentence, violated or transfixed?

I’m trying to figure out the best word in Spanish to translate the English word ravished as it’s used in the following context: There, before my ravished eye, a Cube, moving in some altogether new ...
José Marín's user avatar
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What is the meaning of "que fuñenga"?

On Twitter, I came across the expression "que fuñenga". The full tweet is: Se dañó la nevera 🙃 que fuñenga With the help of Google Translate, I get that the Twitter user is saying that ...
WhyWhat's user avatar
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What's the correct Spanish term for Banking?

In English, banking refers to activities such as: Paying in money Paying bills Transferring money between accounts Saving money in an account What's the correct Spanish term for banking as an ...
big_smile's user avatar
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¿Tiene sentido «Literatura literaria»?

En el mundo angloparlante hay una distinción entre «genre fiction» y «literary fiction». Por lo visto, según Wikipedia el concepto de «literatura de género» existe también en el mundo hispanohablante. ...
aris's user avatar
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How is "social media accounts" translated?

I want to say: The court allowed the defense to use a photo from the woman's social media accounts. And have translated it as: El tribunal permitió a la defensa utilizar una foto de la cuenta ...
A. Bell 's user avatar
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¿Es correcto decir "Tostada de aguacate"?

En este contexto, el aguacate es untado. En inglés, no dirías "Avocado on toast", sino "avocado toast". ¿Cuál es la forma correcta de decir esto?
8protons's user avatar
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¿Es común usar "asumir" con el significado de "suponer"? [duplicate]

En textos matemáticos o físicos en inglés, es común el uso del verbo to assume con el significado de "dar algo por supuesto": To calculate the trajectory of the throw, we have assumed that ...
wimi's user avatar
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¿Cómo se dice «side of beef» en español?

Si buscas "side of beef," puedes ver que se trata de la mitad de la canal del animal, un producto comerciado al nivel mayorista. No puedo encontrar el termino español. Una busca para "lado de carne" ...
aris's user avatar
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¿Cómo traducir al español la palabra inglesa "cantankerous"?

Hoy en un blog sobre tecnología me topé con la palabra cantankerous, con la cual se adjetiva a alguien como malhumorado, discutidor y poco cooperativo. Según el Diccionario Oxford cantankerous ...
ipp's user avatar
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Is there more concise way to say "tomorrow morning" than "mañana por la mañana"?

I am a designer, working on a weather forecast layout which will support Spanish translations. Is there a shorter way to say "Tomorrow Morning" than "mañana por la mañana"? I have many different ...
jessegavin's user avatar
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How could 'insightful' be translated into Spanish? [closed]

How could you translate the meaning of 'insight' or 'insightful' into Spanish? Note: 'Perspicaz' is not quite accurate..
dvugeot's user avatar
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How do you say "Merfolk" in Spanish?

The Merfolk (or Merpeople) are legendary water-dwelling human-like beings. Folklore and mythology have plenty of examples of these beings throughout the ages in various parts of the world. Some ...
Diego's user avatar
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How do you say "to top off the gas tank"?

When pumping gas in the States, they say, "Don't top off the tank." It seems like it's basically when your gas tank is full and you keep trying to pump gas into it. You're not supposed to do that. ...
JustBlossom's user avatar
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How would one translate "(Video) game developer" to Spanish

A bit back I asked about how to pronounce "C++" here, now I need to know something else, game developer. I'm not asking how to pronounce this, but how to translate it. According to ...
Levi C. Olson's user avatar
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Me puse [adj] vs Me puso [adj]

To say I became [adj], I can say: Me puse pensativo/enfermo/nervioso However, I've also heard me puso [adj] in the same context. Me puso pensativo/enfermo/nervioso What's the difference ...
jijino's user avatar
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Spanish word for "baking soda" (regional)

I was talking with a friend who lives in the Carribbean and I remember getting stuck on the word "baking soda" as in "Baking soda is a useful thing to have in the house." Google translate has given ...
john mangual's user avatar
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What’s the difference between “pelo” and “pierna”?

In Spanish, what’s the difference between “pelo” and “pierna”. Both mean “leg”, but when would you use one over the other? Please explain making reference to the below. Pero dicen que Fernández tiene ...
big_smile's user avatar
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What is idiomatically the best word to use for "friendly" when applying to the sentiment of a competition?

It can be slang. I don’t want it to be formal. Here is the sentence I want to translate (but I really just need the word “friendly” done): With you, this competition is fun. Like a race, but ...
pedentically_sematical's user avatar
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When to use indirect objects vs prepositions

My understanding of indirect objects is that convey the "to whom" or "for whom" of an action. In English, the indirect object can be used with a preposition (She gave a gift to me), or without (She ...
Matthew Cherry's user avatar
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Prepositions that precede infinitives

I have seen often in Spanish prepositions precede infinitives where no preposition is translated in English. For example, 'Es importante aprender a escribir, or "Estoy emocionado de trabajar para Tim",...
Matthew Cherry's user avatar
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¿Cómo se dice "giftee" en español?

Yo estoy intentando usar BING TRANSLATE sin éxito. Ejemplo: Toda buena dádiva y todo don perfecto es de lo alto, que desciende del Padre de las luces, en el cual no hay mudanza, ni sombra de ...
Jck Gutknecht's user avatar
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¿Cuál es o era el significado literal de «acojonante»?

Las preguntas, primero: ¿es acojonante un término figurativo? En cuyo caso, ¿cuál es o era originalmente su significado literal? Doy por hecho que la respuesta a la primera pregunta es sí; mi sospecha ...
pablodf76's user avatar
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2 verbs in the past tense in a single sentence. Why is the 2nd one in subjunctive?

I have different examples like these: 1) Pensé que era normal 2) Era increíble que ese perro supiera hablar Why fuera instead of fue? Why supiera instead of supo? Is this always the case, or ...
nylypej's user avatar
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What's Spanish for "soul patch"?

En mi curro, cada mes de noviembre algunos se suman al Movember. Movember is an annual event involving the growing of moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men's health issues,...
Diego's user avatar
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The verbs with "se" and without it that mean exactly the same thing [duplicate]

Some verbs have the form with "se" and still mean the same thing and used in the same. For instance: 'comer' and 'comerse' in this sentence: Ella se comió el pastel entero. Ella comió el pastel ...
nylypej's user avatar
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Can I alway replace "que Verb 3rd form" with "past participle Verb"?

For instance: Hay un camión **que va** a la playa In such sentences, can this always be replaced with: Hay un camión **ido** a la playa
nylypej's user avatar
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How do you say "I'm calling in regards to (Alexis)" in Spanish?

How would you translate this sentence: Good afternoon, this is (Maria) calling from (business name) in regards to (Alexis).
Maria's user avatar
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se vende -- is this passive or is "se" == it?

On a car I saw a label: se vende In such cases, how do I know precisely what this means: 1) it sells --> active voice or 2) it's sold / it's being sold --> passive voice Is it possible to answer ...
nylypej's user avatar
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subjunctive form and present tense form in my sentence

Let's say I want to say: I don't want the bank to send ads to my family. In this the correct translation? No quiero que el banco envíe anuncios a mi familia. If so, why envíe being subjunctive ...
nylypej's user avatar
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"No se puede conectar" vs "no puede conectarse"

As far as I know, they're identical. And are both grammatically correct and can be used interchangeably. Is this indeed the case?
nylypej's user avatar
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What is the difference between "matanza" and "masacre"?

I'm interested in translating the English word "massacre." I had always thought that the best translation was "matanza" - learned mainly from growing up in Florida and visiting Fort Matanzas National ...
Jordan's user avatar
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Are different words used for wink and blink?

Does Spanish have different words for wink (one eye) & blink (both eyes)? What are they? Do I have other options (phrases) to describe eyelid movement?
ludgo's user avatar
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Traducción de la "that" enfática

¿Cómo se traduciría la frase inglesa siguiente? One can't know what they are thinking about, only that they are thinking Pensaba en (1) No se puede saber lo que piensan, solo que piensan ...
Cerulean's user avatar
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"Se es" vs "es" (Traduciendo "it's like that")

Pensando en cómo traducir la frase inglesa: It's like that, how could it be different? Llegué a la frase española Es así, ¿cómo puede ser distinto? Pero no sé si es esta un situación en la que ...
Cerulean's user avatar
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¿Es correcto decir "hasta que se llegue a un equilibrio entre lo internal y lo external"?

Estoy intentando traducir la frase: ... until an equilibrium is reached between the internal and the external. Donde "the internal" y "the external" son cosas abstractas (es decir, no se refieren ...
Cerulean's user avatar
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What is a "Palma de luz"?

Nowadays I assume a "palma de luz" is a lamp post, as I have seen images in newspapers showing cars that have crashed into them, with the headline "choca a una palma de luz" or similar. But I have ...
RolloMartins's user avatar
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"Heel click" in Spanish

I'm pretty sure that there's a fancy word for heel click in Spanish that I can't remember. (I'm referring to the gesture of joy that's done by performing an aerial click of both heels, just in case ...
jpz's user avatar
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What would be a good Spanish translation for "label"?

In the context of the web (e.g. Instagram, etc.) what would be an appropriate translation for label in Spanish? Would etiqueta be appropriate? How about tag?
sophros's user avatar
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Traducción de "assumption" diferente a "supuestos"

Estoy trabajando en un proyecto y no me termina de gustar la traducción de "assumptions" por "supuestos". La frase que quiero traducir es: The following are a list of assumptions. ...
jalazbe's user avatar
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How to say "work" in venezuelan spanish [closed]

How would i say the word "work", (as in, "i have to go to work") in Venezuela?
Cristina's user avatar
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How do I translate "scrap paper" or "scratch paper"?

I'm unable to find a translation which isn't "rubbish", or a draft. I'm looking for the word to describe, for example, paper printed on one side, which you keep to use for making notes on. Example ...
Sean Houlihane's user avatar
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How to choose between "cantidad" and "importe" for an amount of money/ currency?

Why am I asking During the review of the translation of a software, in the context on an invoice, from English into Spanish I was puzzled by the translation of amount by the use of cantidad from the ...
Pierre Chevallier's user avatar
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How to say 'Does it come with...?' like at a restaurant

Today I was ordering at the local taqueria and I wanted to ask whether my meal came with chips. The verbatim translation would use the verb 'venir', something like "viene con chips", but this seems ...
ChocolateAndCheese's user avatar
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Would this way be the correct way to say 'reversed'?

I am trying to say: Finally, I believe that the negative effects of globalization would be able to be stopped if the politicians worked to reverse the effects now. So I came up with the ...
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