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12 votes
5 answers

¿Cuál es la palabra para algo que no se sabe cómo decir?

En inglés para referirse a algo que no tiene nombre o que no se sabe cómo decirlo, tenemos varias palabras: thing --> What is that thing on the wall? thingy --> How does this thingy work? thingamajig ...
gnarlybracket's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

How to say 'Does it come with...?' like at a restaurant

Today I was ordering at the local taqueria and I wanted to ask whether my meal came with chips. The verbatim translation would use the verb 'venir', something like "viene con chips", but this seems ...
ChocolateAndCheese's user avatar
21 votes
3 answers

"Vegetable": verdura vs. vegetal

What is the difference between verduras and vegetales? In what situations can one be used as a translation for "vegetables" and the other cannot?
jrdioko's user avatar
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6 votes
7 answers

What does "se trata de" mean?

In my reading, I've run across several forms of "se trata de", and dictionaries haven't been much help. For example: eran todos hombres libres y se trataba de un feudo feliz y prospero si ...
Tony's user avatar
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5 votes
7 answers

Most accurate translation of "possum"

What is the most universal Spanish word to describe a possum? What regional variations exist? Does the translation refer specifically to the same animal as the English word, or does it cover a larger ...
jrdioko's user avatar
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4 votes
7 answers

Translating "each other's" in Spanish

I know there are several approximate ways to convey the sense of "each other" in Spanish, some of them being entre ellos, uno al otro, and even mutuamente. However, I am struggling to turn this ...
TheLearner's user avatar
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3 answers

Translating "to wind up (doing something)"

In informal English, we use the phrase "to wind up" to describe the final state of a situation, after all is said and done. For example: How did you wind up moving to Kansas after growing up in ...
jrdioko's user avatar
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20 votes
7 answers

Translation of "bug" to Spanish

What is the best way to translate "bug", as in a misfeature of a computer program or device? Google translate offers a few options, none of which quite seem to fit, except the term itself: bug &...
Flimzy's user avatar
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18 votes
11 answers

How might you say a child is "cute" in Spanish?

Suppose you see a mother with a laughing little 2-year-old. In English, we might exclaim, "how cute!" I've had trouble saying this in Spanish. The word "cute" means something like "beautiful", but it ...
Nathan Long's user avatar
16 votes
5 answers

How to translate 'to become?' (hacerse, ponerse, convertirse en, etc.)

I've heard several different words used for 'to become' in Spanish. Obviously sometimes there are specific verbs to use, like 'enfadarse' means to become angry, but often you need to use a verb that ...
Gordon Gustafson's user avatar
15 votes
9 answers

Congratulations: should I use "felicidades" or "felicitaciones"?

English I have heard both ¡Felicidades! and ¡Felicitaciones! as translations of the interjection, "Congratulations!" What is the difference between the two, and when is each used? Español He ...
jrdioko's user avatar
  • 17.8k
12 votes
2 answers

Armpit: sobaco vs. axila

"Armpit" in English can be translated as either sobaco or axila in Spanish. Is each term used in different regions, or are they both used across the Spanish-speaking world? What is the difference, or ...
jrdioko's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between "por siempre" and "para siempre" to say "forever"?

I have seen "forever" translated as both por siempre and para siempre. What is the difference? Are there contexts where you must use one or the other?
jrdioko's user avatar
  • 17.8k
8 votes
2 answers

¿Cómo expresar "sympathy" o "condolence" en español?

Ya sé que esta pregunta es un poco general, así que voy a tratar de especificar: Digamos que un pariente de un amigo murió. ¿Cuáles son algunas palabras/frases que yo podría usar? ¿O que escribiría en ...
gnarlybracket's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

What's Spanish for "Singalong"?

Como padre de un crío de dos años y medio, he ido ya a bastantes singalongs. En estas actividades los niños cantan lo que saben o lo que pueden (dependiendo de la edad) diferentes canciones. Nunca ...
Diego's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Words for "to encourage": alentar, animar, fomentar

In English, "to encourage" seems to have at least two uses: to suggest that someone should do something (e.g. "He encouraged me to find a new guitar teacher.") to give confidence or hope to someone (...
jrdioko's user avatar
  • 17.8k
4 votes
4 answers

Best translation for "silly"

I love the word "silly" in English: You're being silly. It incorporates a sense of humor, playfulness. Google translates it into Spanish as tonto, which is just wrong (and almost cost me a ...
Anthony Henley's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between "cigarrillo", "cigarro" and "puro"?

I have translated "cigar" into Spanish. There are three translations for that. cigarrillo cigarro puro Hypothesis: Spanish people told me that cigarillo and cigarro are the same. And that ...
cornejo's user avatar
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2 answers

Can I alway replace "que Verb 3rd form" with "past participle Verb"?

For instance: Hay un camión **que va** a la playa In such sentences, can this always be replaced with: Hay un camión **ido** a la playa
nylypej's user avatar
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5 answers

traducir "facility" (eufemismo para "cárcel")

Necesito un eufemismo para cárcel. En inglés se usa facility. Creo que se prefiere usar un eufemismo para no ofender.
aparente001's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Traducción: "America or burst"

No sé a santo de qué ha venido hace poco a mi memoria el recuerdo de la serie Perfect Strangers (titulada Primos Lejanos en España). Aún recuerdo como de pequeño, al ver los títulos de crédito, me ...
Diego's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

What is a "Palma de luz"?

Nowadays I assume a "palma de luz" is a lamp post, as I have seen images in newspapers showing cars that have crashed into them, with the headline "choca a una palma de luz" or similar. But I have ...
RolloMartins's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

What is the best way to refer to those of Spanish descent or language?

In English there are several ways to refer to people who speak Spanish or are from a Spanish-speaking country: Hispanic, Latin, Latino, Chicano, Spanish-speaking, etc. What equivalent terms exist in ...
jrdioko's user avatar
  • 17.8k
1 vote
1 answer

Words for boat, ship, and other seafaring vessels

In English, we have many words to describe the different types of vessels that travel on water: boat ship yacht dinghy canoe kayak raft watercraft vessel sailboat barge catamaran lifeboat/liferaft ...
jrdioko's user avatar
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