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Questions tagged [traducción]

Preguntas sobre traducciones y adaptaciones de frases, palabras, términos y conceptos de otros idiomas al idioma español. // Questions about translations or adaptations of sentences, words, terms and concepts from other languages into Spanish.

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9 votes
3 answers

Is "¿Qué dices si te rompo la cara?" a good translation of "what'd you say about me breaking your face"?

In the movie Men in Black, Tommy Lee Jones says this in the border patrol scene: ¿Qué dices si te rompo la cara? I think it's a literal translation of: What'd you say about me breaking your face? ...
user13229973's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

Spanish phrase similar to "lay my cards on the table"

Is there a similar expression to express that one is being honest and forthright, and not hiding information?
Ron Trunk's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

Can "La Corrida" mean "The Bullfight"?

I am working on a product branding project and hope to use a Spanish term for a product line named after the Spanish form of bull fighting. Almost all the branding content will be in English so I just ...
Trindaz's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Swimming pool / facility vs piscina

En alemán tenemos dos palabras: "Schwimmbad" - se trata de toda la instalación con casa, vestuarios, césped y piscinas. "Schwimmbecken" - donde se nada en ella Tengo dos ...
Horst Walter's user avatar
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Why is “las” sometimes appended to Spanish words?

Why are there some Spanish words like “mencionarlas” or “señalarlas”? What does the …las at the end mean? Examples would be appreciated!
Jeff F's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Can "de nada" be used sarcastically?

In English (or at least in the U.S.), we say "You're welcome." in a sarcastic tone when someone responds in an ungrateful or greedy way to something we've done for them, or when we think we ...
Sylvester is on's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Quiero saber el nombre español de una herramienta carpintería

¿Cómo se llama en español la herramienta de carpintería que se llama “a marking gauge” en inglés?.
dcaqu's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Translating "olvido y esperanza" in English

I am trying to figure out what is the right word related to forgetting in this quote by Blasco Ibáñez: Tenemos dos fuerzas que nos ayudan a vivir: el olvido y la esperanza. which translated in ...
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Does "es lo que es" have similar contextual meaning as is literal translation in english? [duplicate]

"Es lo que es" is the literal translation of the phrase "it is what it is." In English (at least American English) this phrase is used to express acceptance, usually of something ...
YaGoi Root's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the proper way to translate Soil Yard, Bulk Yard & Bulk Soil Yard to Spanish

What is the proper way to translate Soil Yard, Bulk Yard & Bulk Soil Yard to Spanish? I'm creating multiple display names for Apple Maps in different languages and couldn't figure out which ...
Almight's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

¿Cómo traducir "shoulder days" en español?

En el mundo de los hoteles hay un término en inglés "shoulder day" para nombrar los días inmediatamente antes o después de un día de alta demanda o mucha ocupación. ¿Alguien podría ayudarme ...
Quiro's user avatar
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2 answers

What does pinche mi panocha mean in Spanish translation to English [closed]

I'm just trying to figure out does it mean fucking pussy or something like that? LoL I know mi is my so not right 😂 if you drop the mi then yes but with mi means something completely different I ...
Crazy momma's user avatar
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Término en español para "virtue signaling"

Recién escuché esta expresión en inglés. ¿Saben si existe alguna expresión similar en español? No logro encontrar nada en internet.
D Adalid's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

How would you say in Spanish, "I'm in the middle of doing something?"

In the context of say, when someone calls you and asks you to do something, and in turn you say "I'm actually in the middle of doing something else." I tried googling "estoy en el medio ...
user13229973's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

¿Se considera acrónimo en castellano, aquel que lo es en otro idioma?

He leído varias veces que SQL (Structured Query Language) es un acrónimo, pero si lo traducimos, en castellano sería "Lenguaje de Consulta Estructurada", con lo que no se trataría de un ...
M_1's user avatar
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need help with a translation from a song - 'yo le entro al pulquito'

i'm currently working on a song in spanish, yo soy el adventurero por pedro fernandez the paragraph that has the line is this Yo juego baraja y sé parrandear Lo mismo les tomo tequila o mezcal Yo le ...
Joseph's user avatar
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¿Cómo se traduce "lexifier" al español?

Me refiero al término lingüístico "lexifier" que, según Wikipedia significa the language that provides the basis for the majority of a pidgin or creole language's vocabulary (lexicon) es ...
Charo's user avatar
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The verb suponer in the past

I have a sentence: It was supposed to be a good party. In Spanish, I would say: Se suponia que iba ser una buena fiesta. Or maybe: Se suponia que seria una buena fiesta Please correct, if any ...
rajat kaul's user avatar
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¿Cuál sería el término adecuado en español para decir "networking"?

¿Cuál es la mejor manera de traducir al español el término Networking? Es para el título de un libro que originalmente se titula "Networking for dummies".
Monica's user avatar
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Translation of "Birds of a feather flock together" to Spanish

I'm curious to know what the translation would be for this quote: Birds of a feather flock together. I'm looking specifically for the translation that holds value and significance rather than a ...
Elina Martinez's user avatar
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Translation: Doctor Rounds (doctor visiting patients in hospital)

When a doctor visits patients in a hospital setting, especially in a medical school affiliated hospital with medical student following, that is the "doctor rounds." What would be the common ...
Mark Stewart's user avatar
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Nota blanca translation

In Enrique González Martínez´poem, Tuércele el cuello al cisne de engañoso plumaje, there is a line that makes me wonder if an alternate translation should be used. The line is: que da su nota blanca ...
RolloMartins's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

How do you say "to bond (with someone)" in Spanish?

Me pregunto, ¿Cómo se dice "to bond (with someone)" en el español de tu país? He visto varias maneras de decirlo, pero todas mis fuentes dicen algo diferente. Cuando digo "to bond (with ...
Jwok's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is "Bridgewater" translated as "Clearwater"?

In Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, "I am the rightful Duke of Bridgewater" is tranlsated as "soy el auténtico duque de Aguasclaras" Why? The translation seems to be ...
B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Are/were cowboys mostly known for wearing blue jeans in the Spanish-speaking culture?

In Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, "Blue jeans britches" is translated as "pantalones vaqueros azules" In the US, I believe it was first miners who wore blue jeans most ...
B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Traducción de "excise" en referencia a user interface

En esta respuesta de UXSE, excise hace referencia al exceso de elementos en un interface de usuario, ya sean gráficos (visual excise) o de interactividad (excise task). Todas las opciones que Google ...
Danielillo's user avatar
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How can I say "Soplar (una respuesta)" in English, to make it less formal as "giving a hint"? [closed]

Mi problema surge de la redacción (en inglés) de una pregunta que estoy redactando para codereview.SE. Es importante para mí decir que, en el código que utilizo, los resultados "me soplan" ...
nuwe's user avatar
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Traducción de "ripped the pish[piss] out of"

He had ripped the pish out of her in that pub, and now he was going to f****** well get it. Lo que hizo él es que no la tomó mucho en cuenta en el pub y después de salir del pub la embarazó y con los ...
cocteau's user avatar
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What rules do I determine for pronouncing "c", "j", "l", "s", and "z"? [closed]

I want to write a computer program and draw flowcharts that will "Anglicize" the pronunciation of Spanish text of select consonants for English speakers learning Spanish to pronounce the ...
Arunabh's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How to translate super complicated compound English words/phrases into Spanish?

For example, some made up phrases are: The aircraft-carrier-oriented virtual-reality machine was turned off. The interesting old aircraft-carrier-oriented virtual-reality-videogame gear was literally ...
Lance Pollard's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to say: "My Spanish has gotten worse."

Which of the following is acceptable? Mi español ha empeorado (mucho). Mi español se ha empeorado (mucho). Mi español ha malogrado (mucho). Mi español se ha malogrado (mucho). I have been saying ...
John Smith 8891's user avatar
2 votes
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¿Cómo traducir "assets" en "Java script assets" o "CSS assets"?

"Assets" son "activos" en castellano, menos frecuente "posesiones", pero ninguna de estas dos traducciones me cuadra en "CSS or Java script assets", ¿hay alguna ...
Andrés Chandía's user avatar
1 vote
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Translation of Chilanga Banda by Café Tacvba

I was trying to translate the cancion Chilanga Banda from Café Tacvba to English, but it turned harder than I thought despite I'm Mexican hahaha. Here's what I have You can listen to the song here. ...
evening_g's user avatar
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3 answers

Significado de "I build my own self-worth through the lowest opinions of others”

“This doesn’t mean, incidentally, that I’m always likeable (I’m not) but that I build my own self-worth through the lowest opinions of others.” "the lowest" como dañinas, los comentarios ...
cocteau's user avatar
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4 votes
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Why isn't the straightforward translation made here?

In the spanish translaton of Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the following paragraph: "What! and I as high as a tree and as big as a church? All right, then; I WOULD come; but I lay I'd ...
B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Is "Saltadilla" a randomly made-up word or does it have a genuine Spanish meaning?

The Powerpuff Girls, a Cartoon Network cartoon originally running from 1998 to 2005, is set in a city called Townsville. In the Spanish version of the show—traducido al español latino como Las chicas ...
Adinkra's user avatar
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Traducción (a una palabra) de "restraining order"

Estoy buscando una palabra que estoy seguro se usaba en Venezuela, o quizá más bien era en las traducciones / doblajes de las series de televisión policíacas estadounidenses que veíamos en Venezuela (...
Cal-linux's user avatar
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3 answers

Why is "Gravel" translated into Spanish as "China"?

In Twain's The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, the following paragraph: "All right, I will. All you got to do is to trot up Hooper Street a block and maow -- and if I'm asleep, you throw some gravel ...
B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven's user avatar
3 votes
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What does magnetizing have to do with mesmerizing/hypnotizing?

Reading "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: In English and Spanish," there is a sentence in English: A phrenologist and a mesmerizer came... In the corresponding Spanish section, the word "...
B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven's user avatar
4 votes
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Does my singing sound fluent?

UPDATE AGAIN: i'm singing this other song to practice. any advice would be appreciated!!! EDIT: i just realized, i was erroneously attempting to roll the R's that followed "t" and "c&...
tbt2345's user avatar
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¿Cómo traducir al español el término "crackpot"?

En inglés, el término crackpot se usa en el ámbito científico para designar a una persona que defiende ideas erróneas, disparatadas o absurdas, y que no reconoce evidencia en contra. Me pregunto cómo ...
Don Al's user avatar
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Does the verb "humble" exist in spanish?

Consider the phrase: This experience humbled me. I think that it has a different meaning than This experience humilliated me Is there a similar verb for this in Spanish?
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Distinguishing "politics" from "policy" in the same sentence

There's an earlier discussion on "politics" versus "policy" in Spanish, "Domestic politics" and "domestic policy" in Spanish? both of which are "política&...
RLG's user avatar
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School all kicked into touch

Un proxeneta se alegra descaradamente debido a que su amiga menor ya tiene la edad suficiente para ejercer la prostitución y dice: "School all kicked into touch". Me topé con una noticia que ...
cocteau's user avatar
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¿Hay algún sinónimo para 'pre-drinking' en castellano?

En inglés, se dice 'pre-drinking' para referirse al fenómeno de tomar alcohol barato (especialmente latas de cerveza) en casa antes de ir a un bar o un club para evitar los precios altos de los bares. ...
Hollis Williams's user avatar
4 votes
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¿Como podría traducir la palabra "portable" de inglés a castellano?

En inglés, en el contexto de ordenadores/programación, portable se usa para describir un programa o un comando que se puede ejecutar en distintos sistemas. Por ejemplo, un programa que puede ser ...
terdon's user avatar
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7 votes
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Spanish equivalent of "Snap!" or "Jinx!"

I was text-chatting to a Spanish-speaking colleague on MS Teams and we both said almost the same thing at the same time - as a British person, my reaction was to say "Snap!" - it's a ...
drkvogel's user avatar
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Is "femenina" the female equivalent of the English/Spanish word "macho"?

The OED defines the English word "macho" as a notably or ostentatiously masculine, tough, or vigorous man; one who is aggressively proud of his masculinity. ¿Is "femenina" the ...
Geremia's user avatar
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Translate sentence and grammar question [closed]

I'm reading this paper [1] and I can't translate a sentence to Spanish (well, I'm not pretty sure). The sentence is: "the scheme is correct if the verification algorithm accepts when interacting ...
StandardIO's user avatar
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"Valga la jaculatoria"?

I was looking up the meaning of holgazán, and this passage was selected as an example of usage: Valga esta jaculatoria, como desagravio a un miembro del jurado del premio Garvey, que ayer me ...
chb's user avatar
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