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How can I say "Soplar (una respuesta)" in English, to make it less formal as "giving a hint"? [closed]

Mi problema surge de la redacción (en inglés) de una pregunta que estoy redactando para codereview.SE. Es importante para mí decir que, en el código que utilizo, los resultados "me soplan" ...
nuwe's user avatar
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School all kicked into touch

Un proxeneta se alegra descaradamente debido a que su amiga menor ya tiene la edad suficiente para ejercer la prostitución y dice: "School all kicked into touch". Me topé con una noticia que ...
cocteau's user avatar
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¿Hay algún sinónimo para 'pre-drinking' en castellano?

En inglés, se dice 'pre-drinking' para referirse al fenómeno de tomar alcohol barato (especialmente latas de cerveza) en casa antes de ir a un bar o un club para evitar los precios altos de los bares. ...
Hollis Williams's user avatar
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Looking for a more faithful translation of "...X, let alone Y"

I am looking for a faithful translation of constructions like the following: It will be a challenge to keep this collaboration alive, let alone productive. The best I can think of is Va a ser un ...
kjo's user avatar
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Traducción de “put this/it down to experience”

¿Cómo traducirías put this/it down to experience, en el contexto de pasar una humillación, una molestia o un mal rato para conseguir algo difícil que no se entrega en bandeja y no necesariamente la ...
cocteau's user avatar
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How do you say "woke" in Spanish?

In English, at least in the United States, a lot of people have started using the word "woke" to mean alert to injustice in society, especially racism After doing a little bit of research, ...
Lisa Beck's user avatar
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Meaning of "pinche rinche" in the TV show "From dusk till dawn"

In the TV show "From dusk till dawn", many (every?) Mexican characters call a Texas Ranger "pinche rinche", or sometime simply "rinche". I guess from the context that it'...
thibsert's user avatar
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What can be used in Spanish to convey "couch potato"?

Last night during dinner, I asked my oldest kid about kindergarten, and he told me they played "Couch potato tag" during P.E. (physical education) I asked about the game dynamics and he said ...
Diego's user avatar
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How to convey "opening a can of worms" in Spanish?

The idiomatic expression "to open a can of worms" means to try to solve a problem, only to create more problems out of it or to get into a lot of trouble as a consequence of trying to fix ...
Diego's user avatar
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“Oh man” in Mexican/Argentine Spanish?

What would be some equivalents for this in Mexican/Argentine Spanish? Oh man, that’s really cool. Oh man, that sucks. Maaaan, I’m jealous! I can only think of “qué + adjective” and “dios” but I’m ...
jacoballens's user avatar
11 votes
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Equivalent expression for "straw that broke the camel's back"?

Is there an equivalent phrase in Spanish for "the straw that broke the camel's back"? The phrase usually refers to to the final thing that is added to a bunch of things to cause a large reaction and ...
10 Replies's user avatar
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How is "on fleek" translated into Spanish?

Primero mi pregunta en español: ¿Cómo se traduce "on fleek" al español? Details in English: Social media, for various reasons, has given rise to lots of different slang words and expressions....
Lisa Beck's user avatar
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¿Qué significa "amigui" en español? [duplicate]

Estuve ligando con una chica alrededor de 3 meses y ya no nos vemos hace 5 meses pero vamos hablando a veces por mensajes. Hoy vamos a vernos otra vez.. pero ella me escribió en plan: Hello amigui,...
Vmffb's user avatar
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¿Qué palabra o expresión puede ser el equivalente de "swag" en español?

Durante los últimos meses he asistido a algunos eventos de tecnología, específicamente de desarrollo de software y uno muy importante referente a la comunidad de Stack Overflow en español. En los 4 ...
Phi's user avatar
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Why does "En absoluto" mean "Not at all"?

I came across this passage in a magazine: ¿En qué acabó el error de Margaret, mencionado al principio? ¿Arruinó la ocasión? En absoluto. Todos se lo tomaron con sentido del humor, especialmente ...
B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven's user avatar
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"Thingy" in Spanish? [duplicate]

If I don't know the word in English when I'm talking, I'll say "thingy/thing" - until someone corrects me or I settle with a better word. Ex: Use that thingy over there to make it work. Uhh......
Madeline Collins's user avatar
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Can "Hombre" be translated to "hey"?

In the "Mi Vida Loca" BBC episodes (a nice intro to Spanish), I came across the sentence: Hombre, ¿qué tal? and it was translated to: Hey, how are you? I though hombre meant "man": can it also ...
米凯乐's user avatar
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Traducción al español de "Indian giver"

Indian giver es un término peyorativo que designa a alguien que te da un regalo y luego te lo quita o roba, lo pide de vuelta o pide otra cosa a cambio del "regalo". Recuerdo que de niño mi hermano y ...
Diego's user avatar
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¿Cómo se puede decir "on fire" en español?

Últimamente es un no parar: todo el mundo usa expresiones inglesas en su día a día y he de reconocer que algunas de ellas me gustan mucho y confieso que las uso de vez en cuando. La que tengo estos ...
fedorqui's user avatar
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¿Cuál sería la traducción de "strunk" al español?

La palabra strunk no existe en el idioma inglés, lo cual complica una traducción directa. Más bien sería un modismo (¿americano?), y buscando en la red alguna referencia me encontré con esta que ...
Phi's user avatar
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What does 'se me fue' mean?

What does 'se me fue' mean? Does it literally mean 'it escaped me' or is there another colloquial meaning?
Jamie's user avatar
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What is "señor de los avioncitos"?

I've looked everywhere and I can't find what it means. The context is someone is looking for a car in a car park and says: ¿Ahí, no es el que está al lado del señor de los avioncitos? It's driving ...
Debs's user avatar
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¿Dónde se usa la exclamación "¡caracoles!"?

Me acuerdo de que, cuando era niño, vi el programa de niños Muppets (en inglés se titula Muppet Babies), donde salía la rana René exclamando a cada rato "¡caracoles!". Luego, viéndolo otra vez en el ...
Paul's user avatar
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"WTF" (what the fuck) in Spanish?

We all know about the expression "WTF" - what the fuck in English. It can be reflected with this face: And it can be described as: What are you talking about? Are you serious? Or many more similar ...
fedorqui's user avatar
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"Chav" en inglés, ¿qué palabras se usan para designar un "quillo", "cani", "naco"... según países y zonas?

En los últimos años se ha popularizado en el inglés británico el concepto de chav, que la Wikipedia en español define como: Chav, chava, charva o charver, es un término peyorativo aplicado a ...
fedorqui's user avatar
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Do Spanish speakers tend to be less rude, crude, and unrefined than English speakers, or are the movie subtitle translations misleading me?

I have noticed when watching movies in English with Spanish subtitles that the Spanish seems to render a "softer" version of any coarse language spoken in English. For example, "god damn it!" is ...
B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven's user avatar
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Why was "Rayas" used as the translation in Goonies?

I was watching "Goonies" last night, with Spanish subtitles. When the kids said, "sh*t" it was translated as "Rayas." Doesn't "Rayas" mean "stripes"? Why was that word chosen as the translation? ...
B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven's user avatar
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I wouldn't know

Could somebody explain the sentence "I wouldn't know"? What would be a Spanish equivalent word/expression, especially in a context similar to this: 'Do you do this every year? I wouldn't ...
GJC's user avatar
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Traducción para "herding cats"

"Herding cats" es una expresión que se usa para expresar lo difícil, caótico o frustrante de tratar de traer orden donde parece que las cosas no quieran tenerlo. "Herding Cats: a frustrating ...
Diego's user avatar
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Is there Spanish verb equivalent of the phrase "was like" in place of "said"?

In colloquial English, the verb "like" is often paired with the past forms of be, "was" or "were", to describe mainly words said or actions done in the past. Examples: When we drove past, she was ...
aspiringSD's user avatar
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If someone does something interesting I might say that it is "cool". How does this translate to Spanish?

In English I'll say things like "that's cool" or "it would be cool to...". I've heard the phrase "qué padre" but is that only for Mexico? Is there something that is more general?
iamcam's user avatar
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Meaning and origin of "te las vas a ver conmigo"

Origen y significado de "te las vas a ver conmigo" Oí esta frase (en Avenida Brasil) y no supe qué quiere decir en inglés: Te las vas a ver conmigo Asi que la busqué y encontré que significa ...
psowden's user avatar
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What is a more sensible way to translate "The Kid"?

In "The Luck of Roaring Camp" by Bret Harte, the translator translated "The Kid" (one of the things the miners called a baby, in addition to "Stumpy's Boy" and "d---d little cuss") as "el corderito." ...
B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven's user avatar
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Is there a phrase in Spanish which is similar to 'to bell a cat'?

"To bell a cat" is a phrase which means "Doing an impossible task". I need to translate this phrase into Spanish to narrate a story.
Vidya Sagar Panati's user avatar
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What does "pesas un huevo" mean?

I am trying to figure out what pesas un huevo means. I know that huevos sometimes translates to testicles, so is this sexual/vulgar?
Carrie's user avatar
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Awesome or Sweet

I'm looking for a Latin American (including US speakers from latin american backgrounds) Spanish translation of the phrase "awesome" or "sweet". For context, sweet is generally used upon ...
user3163829's user avatar
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What does "no te pases" mean?

I've been learning Spanish for three months and, in order to train my hearing skill, I've recently started to watch a cooking channel on YouTube (in Spanish, of course). One phrase that I hear very ...
Leonid's user avatar
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Equivalent of "doch" (German) or "jo" (Norwegian) in Spanish dialects

English There's a very useful word in German, Norwegian and other languages that's used to respond to negative questions in a way that the contrary of the question is expressed. Example: - Hast du ...
clinch's user avatar
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15 answers

Traducción de "Deal with it"

¿Cuáles serían las traducciones para la expresión Deal with it? También pregunto traducciones que sean coloquiales, propias de cada país.
David's user avatar
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Cómo decir la expresión «difficult cookie to crumble» en español

¿Cuál sería una expresion equivalente en español de la expresión anglófona difficult cookie to crumble?
Claudia's user avatar
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Is the "low number estimate-to-high number estimate" colloquialism/phraseology unknown in Spanish?

In "The Grapes of Wrath," the estimate "fifty-sixty" is translated into Spanish (in "Las Uvas de la Ira") as "cincuenta y seis" (56). Apparently the translator thought "fifty-sixty" was a typo (that ...
B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven's user avatar
5 votes
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Fireworks en español

Me interesa saber en que forma puedo traducir esta palabra porque sé que está "Cohete" muy formal además de "Pirotecnia" y "Fuegos artificiales" que son demasiado técnicas. Estoy interesado en saber ...
Jaume's user avatar
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Why isn't sunrise "Entrada del Sol"?

"Salida del Sol" is sunrise - but doesn't that literally mean "Exit of the Sun"? Why isn't sunrise "Entrada del Sol" instead?
B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven's user avatar
6 votes
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"What the hell" in Spanish

I want to say "what the hell", "what the f***", or "what the heck" in Spanish and have come across the following translations: ¡Qué mierda! ¡Qué demonios! Which of these is the most natural ...
TheLearner's user avatar
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¿Cómo se dice "Shit happens" en castellano?

Supongamos un diálogo así: A: Lo siento. Cometo muchos errores cuando aprendo castellano. B: Shit happens. ¿Cómo se dice "Shit happens" en castellano?
DerPolyglott33's user avatar
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¿Cómo se traduciría el término "edgy as fuck" al español?

He leído mucho este término en muchos foros de discusión en inglés, quisiera saber si saben cuál término en español podría ser un buen equivalente a este. Ojo, en los foros lo utilizan con su ...
user478249's user avatar
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"Sketchy" in Spanish

How would I describe something as "sketchy" in Spanish? In the sense of something questionable or unsavory, like dark alley ways or the wrong part of town. For example in the sentence: I don't ...
1ifbyLAN2ifbyC's user avatar
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How to translate "News Junkie" to Spanish?

Does anyone know what would be the right translation of the term "news junkie" to Spanish? Or a term which better fits as most used translation for it?
Paola Martinucci's user avatar
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Translation of "bloody" etc. for frustration (colloquialisms)

A random question, In English I use words like 'bloody', 'damn', 'darn', 'blimmin', 'bleedin', 'freaking', to express frustration without using harsh swear words. (Ok maybe 'freaking' is just a spin ...
Kage's user avatar
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What does "chepa" mean in Nicaraguan Spanish?

What does the word chepa mean when used to refer to a person in Nicaraguan Spanish? What are some examples of how it is used?
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