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Questions tagged [saludos]

Questions about the verbal interchanges between people such as when meeting, greeting, departing, answering the telephone, etc. // Preguntas sobre los intercambios verbales entre personas, tales como al encontrarse, saludarse, despedirse, contestar una llamada telefónica, etc.

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4 votes
3 answers

What's the difference between "Hola, ¿cómo te llamas usted?" and "Hola, ¿cuál es to nombre?" and when would I use one or the other?

I'm taking a Spanish course and can't figure out when I am supposed to use these: ¿Cómo te llamas? ¿Cuál es tu nombre? Does it have to do with who I am referring to?
TheCodedMaster Cubing's user avatar
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3 answers

How do you say kissing each other's cheeks in spanish?

I'm referring to when you greet each other.
SpanishAlpha69's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

¿Dónde se usa "¿qué pasó?" como fórmula de saludo?

Mis abuelos maternos eran de Tenerife. Solían utilizar "¿qué pasó?" en el momento de saludar a alguien. Lo he oído también a otras personas cuando he estado en esa isla, con el significado de "¿qué ...
Charo's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the origin of the expression "qué tal"?

Even though everyone understands the meaning of this common expression, I am totally at a loss when trying to analyze it syntactically. The word tal is according to the RAE dictionary, an adjective, a ...
Leo's user avatar
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In '¿Cómo *le* va?', what is the role of 'le'?

What is the role of 'le' in the sentence: ¿Cómo le va? And the role of 'te' in '¿Cómo te va?' What is the role of 'le' and 'te' in the sentences like: ¿Qué te pasa? ¿Qué le pasa?
최정은's user avatar
5 votes
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What is the meaning of '¿Qué húbole?'?

I have heard the following dialogue in the Narcos TV series: —¿Qué húbole? —¿Qué pasó? —Que las mataron. Había como seis o siete niñas ahí. Context: Two co-workers meet by chance at the door ...
Alan Evangelista's user avatar
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1 answer

"Buen noche": Buen with feminine nouns?

What is the dialectal use of "buen noche"? It doesn't sound right to me, as "noche" is feminine, but, to be sure, I've make a Google search, and I've found several occurrences, including books. ...
Quidam's user avatar
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1 answer

Mucho gusto en/de conocerlo?

Is it correct to use "(mucho) gusto en conocerlo" for a formal greeting? My question is about the "lo", it sounds like the neutral "lo", a bit like the English pronoun "it". Isn't it the case? I ...
Quidam's user avatar
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2 answers

Phrase often used by waiters when the patron is leaving

I hear this phrase often from waiters at restaurants when a patron is leaving, but they say it so quickly that I can't recognize what they say; it seems that the last word is "bien" and the whole ...
user626528's user avatar
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1 answer

How do you introduce yourself on the phone in a formal setting?

We've had a question about identifying yourself when initiating a phone conversation, for an informal situation. But what if you are making a formal call? What if you address the other person ...
aparente001's user avatar
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2 answers

Origen de la expresión "hasta mañana" y similares

Ayer mi hijo el mayor me sorprendió con una pregunta que me hizo reflexionar un poco: ¿por qué usamos "hasta" cuando decimos "hasta mañana" o "hasta luego" para expresar que no volveremos a ver a ...
Charlie's user avatar
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¿Qué quiere decir "señorito"?

Me gustaría saber si alguien te dice "Sí señorito" o algo así, por ejemplo, en Colombia, te está burlando o si se trata de una frase normal. Yo personalmente solo la he oído un par de veces en ...
aris's user avatar
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"Muchos gracias" o "Mucho gracias", ¿cuál es correcto?

Estudio español en mi escuela y no sé qué es correcto decir a mis amigos y profesores. Normalmente digo "Muchos gracias". ¿De hecho hay alguna diferencia?
noahcoleman's user avatar
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Are there gender-based ways to say "Have a good day" in Spanish?

Are there masculine and feminine ways to say "Have a good day"?
Ivan's user avatar
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6 votes
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Why is it that the morning greeting "buenos dias" is used in the plural? [duplicate]

All other languages I know use a singular word for "day" or "morning" in such a greeting. The English say "good morning", the French "bonjour", the Portuguese "bom dia", Germans say "guten Tag" and ...
Centaurus's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Where does "Hola" come from? / ¿De dónde viene "Hola"?

The word "Hola" is probably the most used salutation in the Spanish language. Some say it comes from Latin, others that it is an Arabic word, others claim English roots... (I'm sure details will be ...
user avatar
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4 answers

Can "Hombre" be translated to "hey"?

In the "Mi Vida Loca" BBC episodes (a nice intro to Spanish), I came across the sentence: Hombre, ¿qué tal? and it was translated to: Hey, how are you? I though hombre meant "man": can it also ...
米凯乐's user avatar
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¿Es "buen día" una forma de decir "hola" sin importar el momento del día?

En general, estamos de acuerdo en que Buenos días se dice por la mañana. Sin embargo, acabo de leer en un chat: A — Buenos días. B — uy buenas tardes por aquí, @A. C — @B el saludo internacional es &...
fedorqui's user avatar
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Spanish phrase meaning 'thrive without gods'

Blame it on all the cowboy movies, but I've always enjoyed the sound of 'adios' as a farewell. I don't want to be burdened by the superstitious baggage that 'adios' brings with it. Can someone invent ...
Areel Xocha's user avatar
6 votes
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How to close an email

What is a good way to close an email in Spanish? I need something equal to closing with Best, in English to write back to a Spanish speaking colleague.
Erin-Kate Sousa's user avatar
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4 answers

¿Es "Hola cara de pez" un saludo en México? ¿Qué significa?

Me han saludado diciéndome eso. Yo le he preguntado que por qué me decía eso. Y me respondió que es un saludo de México. Y me pregunto si es verdad y qué significado tiene
Alejandro Lara Gonzalez's user avatar
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"Have a good day" in Spanish?

I really like the usage of the sentence "Have a good day" in English. It gives a good vibration when saying goodbye to someone. In Spanish is not very common to use it, so every time I want to use it ...
fedorqui's user avatar
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3 answers

Addressing a person in mail, person has a title

I would like to address a person with a medical Dr. title formally in mail. In English it is simple, just adding the title: "Dear Dr. X." In German, on the other hand, it is a bit more complex: I also ...
Oleg Ishenko's user avatar
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¿Por qué en Colombia se dice "nos estamos viendo / leyendo / hablando" para decir "hasta pronto"?

Mis amigos colombianos con frecuencia cosas como: - Bueno, me voy. Nos estamos viendo. - Me tengo que ir. ¡Nos estamos hablando! Yo lo entiendo como un "hasta luego", "seguimos en contacto" e ...
fedorqui's user avatar
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3 answers

What's the formal, genderless way to greet someone in a letter?

In English, I would start a letter like this: Greetings <person's name>, (...) I'm trying to replace "greetings" with a word or an expression in Spanish that could work with both men and ...
Crono's user avatar
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3 answers

"Happy birthday" in Spanish?

Say you have a Spanish friend and today is his/her birthday. How can you say "happy birthday" in an appropriate way? Muchas felicidades Is my guess but it probably depends on the context and on ...
fedorqui's user avatar
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4 answers

How do you say "nice to meet you" in Spanish?

Say you are in Spain and you get introduced to someone in a, let's say, formal context: how do you say "nice to meet you"? Also, is there any difference in Latin America? And what if you are in an ...
fedorqui's user avatar
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2 answers

How would a US-teenage boy address his mom?

I'm writing a novel. One of the characters is a U. S. born teenage boy (living in Texas) whose mother is Mexican. Which of the following words would be more suitable for the boy to address his mom ...
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2 answers

Difference between "adiós" and "chau"?

What is the difference between adiós and chau? Do they both mean "goodbye"? Examples: I am going now, see you tomorrow, ¡adiós! I am going now, see you tomorrow, ¡chau!
Amit Verma's user avatar
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How to introduce myself to my teacher?

How can I introduce myself using Spanish language? Is this correct? Me llamo Marco. Mi nombre es Marco. Mi apellido es Cruz. Tengo 22 años. Soy filipino. Soy de Filipinas. Soy de Cebú. Hablo ...
user9312's user avatar
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How do you respond to "saludos a todos"

What is the correct response when someone says to you Saludos a todos
wendy.espinosa's user avatar
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Sign an email with "team MyCompany" in Spanish: equipo?

If in English I would write: Kind regards, team RocketNutsCorp Is this a proper translation in español: Saludos cordiales, equipo RocketNutsCorp Or should I use something with "el personal ...
RocketNuts's user avatar
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3 answers

What's the most appropriate way to stop someone on the street and ask if they speak English?

I learned I can do it in following ways: ¿Disculpe, hablas tú inglés? ¿Disculpe, tú hablas inglés? ¿Disculpe, habla usted inglés? ¿Disculpe, usted habla inglés? ¿Disculpe, hablas inglés? ¿Disculpe,...
Oleksiy's user avatar
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5 answers

Origen y uso de "buen provecho" en Puerto Rico - Local Use and Meaning

At a restaurant, it is customary for the waiter or waitress to say buen provecho to wish us good eating. I considered it roughly the same as bon apetit in French or English. However, I started ...
john mangual's user avatar
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1 answer

Neither official nor sweet salutation in letter

I know a woman in Spain which is much older than me, I respect her, however our relationship is very informal. Yes, sí la trato de usted, but otherwise our relationship is very informal and friendly - ...
Tomas's user avatar
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8 answers

How to say "Nice to see you again"? [closed]

If a doctor was seeing a patient again and wanted to say: Nice to see you again! How would he say so in Spanish?
End User's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

¿Qué significa "nariz de bola"?

Hoy en chat, una amiga me saludó con: Hola hola nariz de bola! La pregunté que quería decir, y solo me dijo que es un saludo agredable. Pero todavía quiero saber que significa. ¿Es una frase ...
Flimzy's user avatar
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¿Por qué la gente se ríe cuando me presento como "Fénix, como el ave"?

Mi nombre es Fénix — muy raro aún en inglés. Cuando me presento a la gente en Suramérica, a menudo se malinterpreta mi nombre como "Felix". Entonces, me he acostumbrado presentarme así: "Soy Fénix, ...
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Alternatives to "ya me voy"

"Ya me voy" is sometimes heard often; for example at the end of the workday. What alternative phrases convey a similar meaning? "Me marcho" comes to mind, but it seems to connote walking in formation. ...
mechanical_meat's user avatar
14 votes
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Translation of "Welcome back!"

In English, if someone has been gone for a while and has recently returned, it's common to greet them by saying, "Welcome back!" (or "Welcome back from your trip!", etc). What is the most natural way ...
jrdioko's user avatar
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11 votes
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What does "que lo que" ("klk" in chat) mean?

Whenever I talk to a friend (Dominican I believe) via chat like Gtalk, he always starts the conversation with: klk I did some research about that and found that, in fact, it comes from the Spanish ...
César's user avatar
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7 answers

Why is "De nada" used as a response to "Gracias"?

De means "of", and nada means "nothing", so why, when put together, are they used in response to Gracias?
Malfist's user avatar
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¿Qué significa 'va' en "Nos vemos después, ¿va?"

Hoy, por chat, una amiga de México dijo: Nos vemos depués, ¿va? Entiendo "Nos vemos después", ¿pero qué significa "va" en este contexto?
Flimzy's user avatar
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¿Cómo se dice, "How's it going"?

En inglés, se puede utilizar la expresión, "How's it going?" como una manera de preguntar cómo está alguien. La frase es informal y tiene un significado similar al "¿Cómo estás?" Sin embargo, cuando ...
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How to respond to ¿Cómo estás? [closed]

What are the standard responses to ¿Cómo estás?? The only ones I know of are: Bien. and Muy bien. Which both are for when you are well, how do you say ok? or not so good?
mundeep's user avatar
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Translation of "What have you been up to lately?"

In English, when meeting someone you haven't seen for a while, you might ask, "What have you been up to lately?" What is the equivalent question in Spanish?
jrdioko's user avatar
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What do Mexicans always mutter to me after I say, "Feliz año"?

When I say, "Feliz año" to Mexicans, they usually mutter something and trail off. Is this a standard response to my holiday valediction, am I being dissed, or am I being neurotic?
Nick's user avatar
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Equivalent of "To whom it may concern:"

When writing formal letters in English where there is no named recipient (for example, a job application sent to a Human Resources department, or a letter sent to an organization in general as opposed ...
jrdioko's user avatar
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Proper response to ¿Qué onda?

In parts of the Spanish-speaking world, "¿Qué onda?" is used to ask something along the lines of "What's up?". What are the possible responses to this question? Should it be answered with a bien/mal, ...
jrdioko's user avatar
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Why isn't "good morning" "buenas mañanas"?

"Good afternoon" is "buenas tardes", and "Good night/evening" is "buenas noches". Then why isn't "good morning" "buenas mañanas" instead of "buenos días"?
Orion's user avatar
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