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Questions tagged [traducción]

Preguntas sobre traducciones y adaptaciones de frases, palabras, términos y conceptos de otros idiomas al idioma español. // Questions about translations or adaptations of sentences, words, terms and concepts from other languages into Spanish.

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Can someone help me understand the grammar in this video? I'm watching this video from a Latin American psychologist and I'm confused by some of the grammatical constructions. I think I understand everything she is ...
Seth Medina's user avatar
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¿Alguién me pueden ayudar con entender esta oración muy confusa?

Esta encontré en un libro sobre la historia de la República Dominicana. Aunque no fuese más que por lo que su conocimiento tiene de aleccionador para los pueblos y los gobernantes en iberoamérica. ...
Seth Medina's user avatar
-1 votes
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Encontré esta oración en wikipedia y no la entiendo

"Del medio físico forman parte el relieve de los continentes, mares y océanos, que es muy estable porque los cambios son lentos, y se hacen visibles con el paso de los años." La única parte ...
Seth Medina's user avatar
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Necesito ayuda con esta frase

¿Qué quiere decir esta frase? "El alfabeto latino es ampliamente el alfabeto más usado del mundo." Significa lo mismo que "El alfabeto latino es el alfabeto más ampliamente usado del ...
Seth Medina's user avatar
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“por el que vagamos”

Meaning of … Oh, por el que vagamos, buscando algún sol Que nos dé la vida, que encienda nuestro amor I get most of it, but the first phrase … “for this/it we wander”?  One machine translation gives ...
WGroleau's user avatar
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¿Cómo se traduciría al español "wait for the other shoe to drop"?

La expresión "wait for the other shoe to drop" significa: To defer action or decision until another matter is finished or resolved. To await a seemingly inevitable event, especially one ...
Leo's user avatar
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Being in translation - ser

Is the translation of "being" below fine? English Our being śeṣa to the Lord we share in common with non-sentient things but we are śeṣas in the special sense also of being His servants (...
vishvAs vAsuki's user avatar
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No vaya y sea que la lengua te castigue

The line "No vaya y sea que la lengua te castigue" comes from the novel "Relato de un naufrago" by Gabriel García Marquez. The main character, Velasco, seems to warn or advise ...
Bluelion7's user avatar
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Can somebody help me understand this video?

Estoy viendo este video corte en español y creo que entiendo la esencia de ello, pero hay algunas partes que todavia me confunden. Especificamente, cuando el chico dice "pues, sí que sí" &...
Seth Medina's user avatar
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no terminaba de sentirme cómoda con alguna

I am reading a Spanish novel and I am stuck at this sentence. Conseguir compañera de departamento no fue tan sencillo como imaginé: cuando ellas llegaban a ver el espacio y a hablarme de sus vidas en ...
Max's user avatar
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Perito vs Perrito

If I wanted to say "I need an expert", would this be accurate? Necesito un perito. I'm guessing, that a better way to say it would be Necesito un experto. I find it odd that the word &...
bitshift's user avatar
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Traducción correcta de la expresión: "Las ideas se comparten o se combaten. Las ideas exigen luchar por ellas o contra ellas"

No puedo entender totalmente lo quiere decir esta frase en español, o como se traduciría correctamente al inglés. “Las ideas se comparten o se combaten. Las ideas exigen luchar por ellas o contra ...
Seth Medina's user avatar
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interpretation of "más que nada"

My understanding is that the translation of "más que nada" is "more than anything." Literally, but incorrectly, it would be "more than nothing". Question 1: if you are ...
Sam's user avatar
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¿En qué idioma está y cuál es la traducción de "Mallorca no es ven"?

Creo que puedo adivinar lo que dice este letrero, pero ¿qué idioma es y qué parte de la oración es "ven"?.
MT1's user avatar
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(Sin Vergüenza) - same as 'explicit' in songs?

El Comando Exclusivo - El Comandante Viejito (Sin Vergüenza) - El Makabeliko i found this song and sin verguenza means ~ explicit content?
ERJAN's user avatar
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"Riding the wave" y "running the gauntlet"

Tengo un "argumento de venta" (sales pitch) para una audiencia mexicana y me pregunto cómo decir: Running the gauntlet La traducción literal es, "corriendo el guante" y, Riding ...
M__'s user avatar
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Formal letter greetings

Normally if I am writing a formal letter I'll use the formal greeting, Estimados señores I hope thats correct. For this letter I'm wanting to say Dear Alberto Gomez* and sir or madams at "WHO&...
M__'s user avatar
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Do there exist times when the word, "empezar" means something to do with an investment portfolio or money? In financial context, what is the meaning?

Considerando el siguiente enunciado: ¿Cómo una persona de 50 años, puede empezar desde cero su economía y tener éxito? Traducido al inglés, tenemos: How can a person of 50 years have the power to ...
Samuel Muldoon's user avatar
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How to translate "leading principal minor"?

It's well established that "principal minor" translates to "menor principal". However, I haven't found a translation for "leading principal minor", which refers to ...
Gilgamesh's user avatar
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Can you clarify the meaning of a phrase

García Márquez in "Relato de un Náufrago" states Había brisa pero no corría en la misma dirección que yo debía imprimirle a la balsa para navegar directamente hacia la Osa Menor. What does ...
Frank's user avatar
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What is the difference between "residuo" and "desecho"?

What is the difference between the spanish words "residuo" and "desecho"? I'm trying to read a document about waste streams in Spanish, and it has a section titled Residuo y/o ...
Michael Altfield's user avatar
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When is using definite article `el` necessary (or optional)?

Supposedly, the correct translation from English Is soccer fun? is El fútbol es divertido? Another example was Mr. Perez. translated to El señor Perez. But also, sometimes el supposedly (deemed ...
VanillaDonuts's user avatar
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Palabra o frase en español para "bleach stain"

Cuando se habla de ropa, a veces una parte de la ropa es rosa claro o amarillo claro porque se usó hipoclorito de calcio y agua para lavar la ropa. ¿Cuál es la frase o palabra en español para la marca ...
Samuel Muldoon's user avatar
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The use of 'hacer a' in Cortazar

I was struggling to understand the meaning of this sentence, taken from the initial part of the short writing 'Del sentimiento de no estar del todo', which features in 'La vuelta al día en ochenta ...
jj_p's user avatar
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¿Cómo dices "leap day" en español?

Buscando en la RAE, revisé "bisiesto", luego busqué "día" y conseguí que el día que añadimos al año bisiesto (29 de Febrero) se le llama "día intercalar", pero nunca ...
Chris Amelinckx's user avatar
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"Would have, Could have, Should have" equivalent in Spanish

In English there is a phrase, ''Would have, could have, should have'' which is often used sort of reproachcfully, even to oneself. Alternatively, it is ''Woulda, shoulda, coulda''. I mean for example,...
Bluelion7's user avatar
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Refrán: the shoemakers' children always go barefoot

Cómo se traduce exactamente esta expresión. También estas otras, sé que existe una forma directa de decirlas en español: -to be like a bull in a china shop -what will be, will be -An apple never falls ...
Geidy Ruiz's user avatar
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Translations that inadvertently work much better in the target language?

I have run into a pretty cool phenomenon recently where some passages I have been translating have worked much better in the target language than in the original language. Here is the best example so ...
Luke Hutchison's user avatar
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How to translate "never not now"?

For this phrase, from Eckhart Tolle: Most humans are never fully present in the now, because unconsciously they believe that the next moment must be more important than this one. But then you miss ...
Luke Hutchison's user avatar
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How to say "I gotchu" (I have your back) in Spanish? [duplicate]

There is a phrase "I gotchu" (I got you / I have your back), which is fairly new to the English vernacular, and has a connotation of "Don't worry, I will take care of everything, so ...
Luke Hutchison's user avatar
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¿Cuál es la traducción de Calvin y Hobbes: "Verbing weirds language"?

En esta pregunta Ben preguntó sobre la creación de un verbo a partir de un sustantivo. Esto es algo que podemos hacer en inglés para "jugar" con el idioma. Yo agregué un comentario ...
Peter M's user avatar
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¿Quién le manda?

What would be a good translation for "¿quién le manda?" As in: "Su hermano le ha metido en muchas broncas. ¿Quién le manda tener un hermano asi?" The source is Mexican.
Jose Skinner's user avatar
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cómo hacer que queden

Question: Is using the word "quedar" (to be left/remain) like this a common way of talking of the weight of something? I seen this phrase in an interactive video I'm using while studying ...
bitshift's user avatar
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Ayuda para descifrar nombre y apellidos

No consigo descifrar nombre y apellidos
Vidrieros 's user avatar
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How would you translate this ? Y uncido que fue su carro

Esto es muy extraño para una principiante como yo. Espanol de la Biblia: "Y uncido que fue su carro" ...and yoked that was his chariot?
bitshift's user avatar
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How does Spanish handle people that identify as binary as far as with noun + verb agreement? [duplicate]

As gender has become a more varied identification than just male and female for people, how is it dealt with in a language so entrenched in gender? would a binary person be - ellos and use the plural ...
Lynn Coppolino's user avatar
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How to express this with "extra" words? "You can't just do whatever ya want"

En Ingles: "Hey, you know, you can't just go around doing whatever you feel like and live however you want" Soy un principiante, y estoy aprendiendo el modo de subjuntivo ahora. Parece ser ...
bitshift's user avatar
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"Cuando era niño" or "cuando estaba niño"? How do I say "when I was a kid"? [duplicate]

According to Duolingo, "when I was a kid" in Spanish is "cuando era niño" or "cuando era niña". Google Translate says the same thing. That sounds strange to me. Being a ...
Elias Zamaria's user avatar
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Spanish equivalent of "making jokes/having fun at someone's expense"?

I'm trying to translate "making jokes at someone's expense" as opposed to say "making fun of someone" (burlarse de alguien). Do "reírse a costa de alguien", "...
shintuku's user avatar
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El significado de usar una frase con "en" después del verbo "sentir"

En esta frase: La fuerza de combate de un supersaiyano de tercer nivel es tan apabullante que llega a sentirse incluso en un lugar tan lejano como el Kaioshinkai. Cuando dice que el fuerza apabullante ...
eren_my_beloved's user avatar
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Translating will would [closed]

I'm learning English and my native language is Spanish. I've recently come across some phrases that are giving me trouble. Here they are, as well as their possible translations in Spanish. Note that ...
Guillermo's user avatar
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"The headache", as a metaphor for "the most difficult part of a problem"

The problem with any language is the metaphors rarely translate. I am seeking the translation for "headache" specifically used in problem solving. In English when we say "the headache ...
M__'s user avatar
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Mejor traducción de "planning"

Estoy tomando un curso de español. If one wanted to say "I'm planning to buy it later", which would be better in Mexico? (a) Estoy planeando comprarlo más tarde. (b) Pienso comprarlo más ...
bitshift's user avatar
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Campo / campana / campaña / campamento

Both campana and campaña refers to either bell or campaign. Both the spelling seems to be correct. Campo is a field; campamento is a camp. The title of a blog is: TIENDAS DE CAMPAÑA PARA IR A CAMPINGS ...
Vladimir Z.'s user avatar
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How can I conjugate verbs that are, and have been, going on habitually?

I want to translate the following sentence: Spanish is one of the most spoken languages in the world. After writing it, I realized it was a bit unnatural (I'd rather say it in terms of speakers), ...
user110391's user avatar
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¿Origen de la expresión "Por si la mosca"?

Ayer ví en un divertido video de tiktok que la expresión en inglés "Just in case" se puede traducir al español como "por si la mosca". Se puede ver la misma en google translate (...
Peter M's user avatar
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Traducción de "verbatim"

¿Existe algún término en español que signifique lo mismo que "verbatim" en inglés? Google Translate sugiere un anglicismo que no existe en el DLE.
Edwar's user avatar
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departir and "I let you know"/"I will let you know"

I'm searching for a verb for the phrase "let you know", i.e. informal dialogue. Is the infinitive "departir" similar? struggles to identify its meaning, is it ...
M__'s user avatar
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Difference between "o" and "u" to say "or"

I have seen o used most commonly as the Spanish word for "or". I am wondering if this can be used interchangeably with the new word for "or" that I discovered, u. By ...
greg's user avatar
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If you don't speak Spanish in a Mexican neighborhood, you're screwed

How do you say this in Spanish (Mexico)? If you don't speak Spanish in a Mexican neighborhood, you're screwed. I think it would be: Si no se habla español en un barrio mexicano, ya valió queso. I'...
V W's user avatar
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