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Questions tagged [persona-gramatical]

Preguntas sobre el uso de las distintas personas gramaticales (primera del plural, tercera del singular, etc.).

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3 answers

Spanish conditional in hypothetical clauses followed by the Spanish present subjunctive

I have a doubt as to why verb takes simple future conjugation instead of subjunctive conjugation in conditional tense followed by subject change. For e.g Contrataremos al nuevo profesor mientras (que)...
punya's user avatar
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3 answers

Faltaste vs. Te Faltaron

What sounds more natural in Spanish for "You missed a lot of classes", "faltaste a muchas clases" or "te faltaron muchas clases"? Does the first option place the blame ...
mdrichey's user avatar
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Formal letter greetings

Normally if I am writing a formal letter I'll use the formal greeting, Estimados señores I hope thats correct. For this letter I'm wanting to say Dear Alberto Gomez* and sir or madams at "WHO&...
M__'s user avatar
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Why can the third person plural also mean ‘you’ like second person but never ‘we‘ like first person?

For this sentence: Siento decirles que quedan sin trabajo. Why can quedan sometimes mean “you are” but never “we are”? Is it because quedan is a third-person plural for quedar?
Alan's user avatar
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When should I put the letter "a" in front of a name?

So I am trying to decide between these 2 sentences: Anthony Solares es una persona que limpia muchas casas. Él tiene un ingreso predictible. and A Anthony Solares es una persona que limpia muchas ...
FairOPShotgun's user avatar
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1)Se lo pierde . 2) se lo pregunto

I have 2 questions ; The first one is in relation to a boyfriend and girlfriend break-up. In this case ,I mean to express that after the break-up someone says,''it is his loss'' or'' it is he who will ...
Bluelion7's user avatar
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¿Cuándo uso "el" o "la" antes del nombre de una persona?

¿Cuándo utilizo "la" o "el" antes del nombre de una persona? ¿Será cuando me refiera a ellos como "señor" o "señora / señorita" y no cuando les hablo?
TheCodedMaster Cubing's user avatar
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What is the function of "le" in the sentence "El nombre le venía de la Colonia"?

What is the function of "le" in the sentence of: "El nombre [El Portal de los Escribanos] le venía de la Colonia"? As I understand, the sentence means: The name ("El Portal de ...
puravidaso's user avatar
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"¿En qué periodo usted suele ver televisión?" is the usted necessary?

I am creating a survey to share among TV viewers from Uruguay, but I am not sure about my questions' structure. ¿En qué periodo suele ver televisión? / ¿En qué periodo usted suele ver televisión? ¿...
Gabrielle Ferreira's user avatar
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¿Existen otras formas de referirse a uno mismo, aparte de "yo", registradas en el DLE?

Cuando me puse a estudiar japonés me llamó la atención la cantidad de formas que tienen para referirse a uno mismo: ore, boku, atashi, watashi, watakushi... todas significan yo pero cada una es ...
Charlie's user avatar
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'Yo sé' vs 'Yo me sé', are both correct? If so, what is their difference?

My native language is Spanish and in my country we usually say "Yo me sé la tarea", but recently someone from another country asked me what the difference is, and I cannot explain it, so I'...
user3044096's user avatar
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3 answers

¿Por qué cambiar "usted" con "tú"?

Trabajo con mexicanos que suelen cambiar el uso de verbos de la forma de "usted" a la de "tú" platicando entre sí, y al revés también. ¿Hay reglas del uso de "usted" que cambian con la situación y ...
JoC's user avatar
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¿Es correcto en algún caso decir "dar de mí" en lugar de "dar de sí"?

Leyendo una entrevista a Julio Anguita me encontré con la frase: Dos años antes de mis problemas cardiovasculares reuní a mis colaboradores más cercanos en una cena. Les planteé que yo ya había ...
fedorqui's user avatar
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When referring to a hypothetical person, does Spanish use second or third person?

In English, we say "you" when referring to a hypothetical person (for example, "the shop allows you to pay without cash" where you refers to people in general). Would it be the same in Spanish or can ...
Ashley's user avatar
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Why not this ? How are you in Spanish?

We say "¿Quién eres tú?" for "who are you?" in Spanish ok. So why can't we say "¿Cómo eres tú?" for "how are you?" in Spanish? "Eres tú" means "are you" so why is "Cómo eres tú" incorrect for "how ...
user19753's user avatar
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Difference between Vosotros and ellos/ellas/Ustedes [duplicate]

I am American learning Spanish on Duolingo. Trying to understand the difference between vosotros (they all) and ellos/ellas/Ustedes (they all) Is vosotros informal, whereas ellos/ellas/Ustedes is ...
Artie Ladie's user avatar
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4 answers

Use of "Me está"

One of the entries on for the verb entrar is this: to get: Me está entrando sueño; me voy a echar una siesta. I'm getting drowsy; I am going to take a nap. Can someone explain why ...
TheOrionArm's user avatar
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When should I use pronouns? [duplicate]

Apologies if this has been asked before! I know French fairly well and pronouns are mandatory. However, in Spanish, pronouns are dropped quite often. Is there a rule of thumb for this? E.g. are ...
CJ Dennis's user avatar
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3 answers

¿Debo usar la 'a personal' con un personaje antropomorfo?

Se usa la a personal cuando el objeto es una persona. E.g.: Veo a mi hermana. (No se dice "Veo mi hermana.") ¿Se usa la a personal con personajes antropomorfos que no son humanos? E.g.: ¿Cuáles ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
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Is there some kind of "precedence" when using multiple persons with a single verb?

Let's say we have this: Yo sé. Tú sabes. Él sabe. Nosotros sabemos. Vosotros sabéis. Ellos saben. So far so good. However: Tú y yo sabemos. --> Person: Nosotros? Tú y él sabéis. -->...
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6 answers

Using "están" vs "estás" when refering to "you"

I am practicing using memrise. In this site, the following means: "Are you ready to order?" ¿Están listos para pedir? However, as far as I know, "están" refers to they and I argue that the correct ...
renakre's user avatar
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Uso de "Ellos" como pronombre singular en tercera persona

He leído un articulo (They as gender-neutral third-person singular personal pronoun) que habla sobre el uso de They como gender-neutral third-person singular personal pronoun en la lengua inglesa. Y ...
Maurocrispin's user avatar
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¿Qué forma verbal usamos cuando imaginamos situaciones ante personas a las que hablamos de usted?

Imaginad la situación siguiente: estás hablando con una persona mayor y quieres hacer una frase impersonal del tipo hipotético. Por ejemplo: Es como si comes un plato de lentejas y luego te pones a ...
fedorqui's user avatar
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Usos de la coma y el paréntesis

A veces cuando queremos agregar una frase en el medio de una oración, ya sea para aclarar algo o para introducir algo, como estoy haciendo ahora mismo con esta oración, se usa la coma o el paréntesis. ...
Mikey Spivak's user avatar
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Is this a typo, or a correct usage of this word?

Mientras leía un texto sobre Rayuela, la novela de Julio Cortázar, llegué a este fragmento: En la línea 6, pienso que debería ser ido y no hido, como sugiere el texto. Added: Solo para aclarar, si ...
Mikey Spivak's user avatar
-1 votes
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Exceptions of forming negative statements [closed]

Spanish is full of contradictions that it's hard to know which is really correct without being a native speaker and having spoken it for long. Just take negation for example. I know in Spanish ...
user11355's user avatar
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How to use "gustar"?

Today I presented to my teacher a sentence I wrote for my homework: Juan es el solo uno en nuestra clase a que gusta el helado. (John is the only one in our class who likes ice cream.) But my ...
user11355's user avatar
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When to use indirect object pronoun in subjunctive mood?

I just cannot figure out when's the correct time to use IOP when writing sentences in subjunctive mood/tense. For example, I say my parents demand me to read three books a day.(sounds kinda weirdo, ...
user11355's user avatar
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Personal "a" expressed in object pronoun

Something I learn in my highschool course: whenever a verb proceeds a person immediately, we have to separate them with a "a". One day, I went ask my teacher which object pronoun do I replace "a ...
user11355's user avatar
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What exactly is reflexive verb?

One of the definition I know of any reflexive is to do to oneself. I am not sure if this is only limited to passive voice: Se frotan las manos por Jóse. (The hands are rubbed by George) Ok, ...
user11355's user avatar
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What are some exceptions for identifying masculine and feminine nouns?

I don't like reading and I got a lot of questions like this. I did search "definite article" but have yet found a article that address this. Let me give an example so those confused by my wording ...
user11355's user avatar
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Use of subjunctive

Present subjunctive or subjunctive in general is used to express doubt. Even though this has been explicitly stated on my textbook, there still came times when I found some example sentences of ...
user11355's user avatar
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The use of present subjunctive

It is certain that you will find a secretary who can use a computer. The first part es cierto indicates that there is no use of subjunctive. The part I have problem with is the part that says who ...
user11355's user avatar
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2 answers

Singular and Plural "You" - how does one differentiate in Spanish between a singular and plural you?

What is the most accurate "you all" translation? There are two "yous". Singular and plural you. The latter is sometimes called "you all", "y'all", or "youse guys" in American English. What is the ...
B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven's user avatar
5 votes
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Grammar of «tengo» and «tienes»

I am having trouble understanding how to use tienes/tengo and other related "have" words. For example, in my current lesson in Rosetta Stone, the following examples are used: Tengo anteojos ...
Sonny Ordell's user avatar
20 votes
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Why is "Usted" grammatically a third person?

In English polite form of address is "You" which is second person singular and plural. In Russian it is "Вы" which is plural second person. In Spanish (and probably French and Italian) polite address ...
alpha-mouse's user avatar