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11 votes

Why say "dame la mano" instead of "dame tu mano"?

"dar la mano" is an idiom. Although we can hear: Dame tu mano. it's more idiomatic, as well as more logical, to say: Dame la mano. (Who else's hand would you give me if not yours? -- that is, ...
Gustavson's user avatar
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6 votes

Possessive Pronouns- Are 'el'/'la' interchangeable with 'mi'?

The sentence: Hago la cama. is ambiguous, as it may mean "I make my bed" (in which case it is equivalent to: Hago mi cama) or may be used to mean that the person makes some other bed specified in ...
Gustavson's user avatar
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6 votes

¿Qué tan válido es el doble posesivo?

Como el adjetivo posesivo su es ambiguo, en ocaciones es necesario especificar el poseedor. La partícula de es una preposición de pertenencia, la cual califica al adjetivo y así se elimina la ...
Jorge O-L's user avatar
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5 votes

¿Por qué no se dice "de yo" o "de tú"?

El quid de la cuestión no es que no pueda usarse *de yo y *de tú. Lo particular es que la primera y segunda personas del singular tienen formas pronominales tónicas de objeto (mí y ti) especiales, ...
pablodf76's user avatar
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5 votes

Using "he/she" and "usted's" possessive pronoun in a sentence

You don't. There is ambiguity. Without context or further clarification is impossible to know in whose notebook he was writing. Ambiguity is an intrinsic characteristic of human conversations and ...
Diego's user avatar
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4 votes

How does Spanish keep gender for 1st/2nd plural person possessive determiners, while dropping it elsewhere?

There is no mystery here. 1st person singular: the Latin forms meus, mea evolved somewhat irregularly to the Spanish emphatic forms mío, mía (it seems likely that there were for a while a competing ...
pablodf76's user avatar
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3 votes

How can an Indirect Object Pronoun show possession?

TL;DR: It doesn't show possession. You can start with a canonical sentence like "escribí una carta a mi abuela" where you have the direct object "una carta" and the indirect object ...
aerobiomat's user avatar
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¿Qué función tiene el «sus» en «Ya tiene sus años»?

Collins tiene una entrada bastante clara: (uso enfático) ⇒ tendrá sus buenos 80 años | he must be a good 80 years old ⇒ su dinero le habrá costado | it must have cost her a pretty penny ⇒ una casa ...
aparente001's user avatar
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What is "his/her" in Spanish?

There is no need for a phrase like English “his/her” in Spanish, because there is only one third person singular possessive pronoun in Spanish, su, and it is not marked for gender. If the need arises ...
pablodf76's user avatar
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3 votes

¿Qué tan válido es el doble posesivo?

Se usa coloquialmente en México. "Su casa de Pepe es muy bonita ", en lugar de "la casa..." Y también en la situación presentada en la pregunta, donde se intenta evitar dudas de la relación entre ...
Rodrigo A. Pérez's user avatar
2 votes

Artículo + posesivo + sustantivo en "compré cojines para 'la mi cama'". ¿Un rasgo sociolingüístico?

El capítulo 18 de la Nueva Gramática habla sobre el tema largo y tendido a partir del párrafo 18.2i: Los posesivos pronominales ocupan en español la posición de los determinantes, a diferencia de ...
Charlie's user avatar
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2 votes

Possessive adjective "Juan y Antonio viven con su hermano."

Juan and Antonio have a brother. We can talk about their brother (su hermano). "Brother" is a singular entity, so whatever modifier we put in front of "brother" / hermano (in this ...
aparente001's user avatar
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2 votes

Possessive adjective "Juan y Antonio viven con su hermano."

The difference is the number of the possesive. The first (su) is singular and the second (sus) is plural. They (Juan y Antonio) live with their brother (only one brother). For that reason you have to ...
fpietra-tlc's user avatar
2 votes

Possessive pronoun and definite article

The forms: mío/a/s tuyo/a/s suyo/a/s can be used with an article as follows: 1- Un bolso mío es rojo. (A bag of mine is red) 2- El bolso mío es rojo. (The bag that is mine is red) (This is more ...
Gustavson's user avatar
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1 vote

Plural possession of singular items

En castellano siempre tiene que concordar el accidente de la partícula gramatical—los artículos, determinantes, pronombres, etc.—con el de la palabra lexical—sustantivo, adjetivo, verbo, etc. La ...
tac's user avatar
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¿Cuál es el pronombre posesivo de "vos"?

Información obtenida de las páginas que aparecen más abajo; En ellas podrás encontrar todas las dudas respecto al "voseo", al ser un tema con bastantes matices te dejo estas dos páginas, que ...
Diego's user avatar
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How can an Indirect Object Pronoun show possession?

Corté su pelo. I seem to remember someone saying "Le corte su pelito," but in a more playful way. If you say "su pelo" without providing any additional information, then that ...
cocteau's user avatar
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How to refer to body parts

En español, el artículo adquiere valor posesivo cuando determina a sustantivos que denotan partes o posesiones inherentes o inalienables, como son las partes del cuerpo; así, se dice «Me duele la ...
Danielillo's user avatar
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word order and using definite articles instead of possessives

There is a difference between: (1) Tengo el pasaporte. and (2) Tengo mi pasaporte. In (1), the passport will most likely belong to the subject but can also belong to somebody else. With parts of ...
Gustavson's user avatar
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Possessive adjectives grammar error

So the possesive constructions goes like this: Verb "ser" , possesive pronoun, subject Possesive pronuns are My Mi, Mis, Singuar Your Tu, Tus Their and formal and plural Your su, sus ...
Mike's user avatar
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Possessive adjectives grammar error

The confusion you are experiencing revolves around what the subject actually is for the sentence. The word "grabadora" is the noun in your sentence, and "su" is a possessive adjective. The possessive ...
Estrella86's user avatar
1 vote

Possessive adjectives grammar error

There is only one grabadora, hence you use the singular form.
user0721090601's user avatar
1 vote

Pronoun agreement

It's good that you're aware of the concept of agreement. Agreement of noun and adjective means that a noun and the adjective modifying it have to match, in both gender and in number. Since "perro" ...
aparente001's user avatar
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1 vote

¿Qué tan válido es el doble posesivo?

Sin descartar la posibilidad de que exista como forma dialectal, yo lo leí, incluso a la segunda y tercera vez, como si hubiese dos comas, con las cuales lo de «de usted» sirve para aclarar: … su ...
user0721090601's user avatar
1 vote

[Im]proper use of possessive in Spanish?

First things first: to convey the meaning you intended, you should have said: Voy a lo de mis padres. And to your side-question: a native Spanish speaker would not understand your original message,...
pablodf76's user avatar
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