I was wondering how to say "I cut his hair" in Spanish. I thought it would be something along the lines of "Corté su pelo". However, when I went to Google Translate, what I got was:
Le corté el pelo
This would be literally translated as "(to) him I cut the hair", which is awkward-sounding but I get the point. What I don't get is how an ID pronoun can show posession. I read the canonical answer on this forum and apparently it's called "dativo posesivo", but I couldn't understand a single word it was saying. When I looked it up on Google, I can hardly find any reliable resources in English.
What is this phenomenon and can someone please go into detail about it? Why can't I say "Corté su pelo"? Is it because "su" is too general? What about the notorious "Me duele la cabeza" (me being an indirect object pronoun) (Literally, the head hurts me/To me the head hurts)? Is it grammatically correct to say "La cabeza me duele" (me being a direct object pronoun)?