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3 votes
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¿Por qué se denomina "la niña bonita" al número quince"?

El DLE define la niña bonita como 1. f. Especialmente en los sorteos, número quince. ¿Cuál es el origen de este modismo?
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3 votes
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What does "Era soltero de nacimiento" mean?

"Era soltero de nacimiento" is another phrase from Cuentos Alegres. I can only find "single from birth" as a translation. Does it mean an orphan from birth? The mother would have to had died in giving ...
curt's user avatar
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Origin and documentation of meaning: "dos tres" as *so-so*

Inspired by Origen de expresiones como "cada dos por tres". I'm familiar with an expression used in, at least, Mexico: dos tres. It is a way of giving a lukewarm reaction to a question. ...
aparente001's user avatar
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What does "entregar la cuchara" mean?

This morning I was reading the news about Spain's demise against Slovenia, and there was this expression that caught my eye: El equipo español, roto, hundido, entregó la cuchara. This is the first ...
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¿Qué significa "Ni modo, a lo hecho, pecho"?

I took an online quiz about Spanish proverbs which promised to tell me whether or not I'm "truly Mexican". As it happens, I'm not Mexican, so I did rather poorly. At the end of the quiz, I was told: "...
Sophie Swett's user avatar
6 votes
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¿Cuál es el origen de la expresión "estar en el ajo"?

En el Diccionario de la Lengua Española, en la entrada ajo se recoge: 1. m. Planta de la familia de las liliáceas, de 30 a 40 cm de altura, con hojas ensiformes muy estrechas y bohordo con flores ...
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6 votes
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¿Por qué se llamaba "cucaracha martín" a una mujer morena?

En el DRAE he encontrado con sorpresa que cucaracha martín es f. desus. Mujer morena. Igualmente aparece en Wiktionary: cucaracha martín: Mujer de piel morena. y buscando he encontrado que aparece ...
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3 votes
2 answers

¿Qué es "ser un cotilla"?

¿Qué significa esta palabra? Cotilla ¿y qué significa la siguiente frase? Ser un cotilla. Tengo un significado, pero no sé si es el correcto. Cotilla: Que se entromete en asuntos ajenos.
ArtEze's user avatar
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1 answer

Significado de "conocal" o "colocal"

En España he oido varías veces la expresión "Muy bien colocal" como respuesta al saludo - pregunta "¿Qué tal?", y no lo acabo de comprender. La primera vez supuse que había entendido mal y que en ...
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5 votes
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Origin and meaning of "Sacar de las casillas"

There is a phrase which I think means to have teased someone, but which I would like to know the derivation for and history: Sabía que eso la sacaba de sus casillas [She knew that I teased her?]
RolloMartins's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Meaning of "de más"

I cannot find meaning of "de más" in dictionary. Trying to translate this sentence: Y lo que opinen los demás está de más What is the meaning? It is from the song of Mecano - Mujer Contra Mujer, ...
Tomas's user avatar
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What does "alimentarse del viento" mean?

If someone puts the phrase "Alimentarse del viento" as their status on a social site, what does it mean?
John's user avatar
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2 answers

What does "llevarle su vida" mean?

In a recent conversation with a native speaker from the Dominican Republic, she used the phrase "llevarle su vida". In the context, I took this to mean "live his/her life for him/her" or be ...
javier's user avatar
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Meaning of idiomatic phrase: «a caballo de»

I've seen the phrase «a caballo de» being translated as «to be ahead of the game». I'm reading a book, and the sentence doesn't seem to relate to this meaning. The sentence is the following: La ...
An old man in the sea.'s user avatar
13 votes
6 answers

What does the word "pinche" mean?

What does the word pinche mean? ¡Pinche loco! ¡Pinche! ¿Cuál es el significado de la palabra pinche? ¡Pinche loco! ¡Pinche!
DerPolyglott33's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Why does "madre" have so many different meanings?

In Mexican spanish at least, I can think the following (I may be forgetting some): Andar hasta la madre ~ Being really drunk Estar hasta la madre ~ Being really far | Being sick/tired of ...
DarkAjax's user avatar
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Definition of "burris"

What is the meaning of burris? RAE and Google are no help. It seems to be a very slang term, and from context it relates to humor or sarcasm. It may be a Mexican term.
Flimzy's user avatar
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¿Qué quiere decir "engatillado"?

Sé lo que dice el RAE sobre la palabra. Sobre los animales y sobre la chapa. Pero cuando alguien me dice: ¡Chepe, estabas engatillado! Eso ¿qué quiere decir? La expresión viene de Colombia.
Jose Luis's user avatar
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What does "alma sucia" mean?

What does it mean? I've checked the literal meaning with Google: dirty soul I was looking for something more elegant, that shows its tone. Is it an idiom?
mrtw's user avatar
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¿Cuál es el origen de la frase "media naranja"?

Español He oído la frase "media naranja" unas veces, y puedo entender el contexto, que significa una pareja o novia, por ejemplo. Pero quiero saber el origen de esa frase. English I have ...
Flimzy's user avatar
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9 votes
6 answers

¿Qué significa la expresión "A lo que te truje chencha"?

¿Cuál es el significado de la expresión "A lo que te truje chencha"?
Alfredo Osorio's user avatar
14 votes
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¿Qué significa "de pe a pa"?

¿Cúal es el significado de la siguiente expresión "de pe a pa"? Por ejemplo: Tienes que aprenderte esto de pe a pa.
Alfredo Osorio's user avatar
7 votes
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¿Es redundante la expresión "suele ser frecuente"?

Español He oído a menudo la expresión “suele ser frecuente”. ¿Es redundante? ¿Suena bien a pesar de la redundancia? ¿O bien suena mal y sería mejor decir solo “es frecuente”? Por ejemplo: Suele ser ...
Albertus's user avatar
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¿Qué significa en Argentina "al pedo"?

He escuchado y leído a argentinos decir "al pedo", por ejemplo, "estoy al pedo". Es evidente que NO se refiere a "estar pedo", que significa "estar borracho" en algunos sitios. ¿Qué significa "estar ...
JoulSauron's user avatar
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Plug vs Socket: Interchangeable?

Many dictionaries that I have looked at online seem to use enchufe as a word that is interchangeable for the English words plug and socket, which are two related, but distinct objects. Some ...
Wayne Hartman's user avatar
5 votes
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What is the meaning of "melaza" in the song "Caras Lindas"?

This is the song. The word is translated by online lyrics, RAE and as molasses. But it doesn't make sense to me in the context. Somos la melaza que ríe Somos la melaza que ...
Bogdan Lataianu's user avatar
10 votes
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What's the meaning of the Mexican expression "se te va el avión"?

What's the meaning of the Mexican expression "se te va el avión"? Example: Te lo dije tres veces y de todos modos no lo hiciste. A ti ya se te va el avión. ¿No te acordaste de tu cumpleaños? ...
Alfredo Osorio's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

What is "ya va" in Venezuelan Spanish?

I heard the expression "llava" / "ya va" (?) being used in Venezuelan Spanish. It seems to have the meaning of "wait a moment", but my Mexican friend don't understand it. Does anyone who know what ...
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6 votes
3 answers

What's the meaning of "Y yo voy y me lo creo"?

What's the meaning of "Y yo voy y me lo creo"? I encountered it in a Spanish novel. With 146,000 hits, it seems to be a set expression. Context helps, but doesn't remove all doubts.
Garrigus Carraig's user avatar
7 votes
12 answers

Translation of "ni modo"

The phrase ni modo is used in many varieties of Spanish to mean many different things. What are its possible meanings? Which meaning is most common (i.e. which meaning would you assume if ni modo was ...
jrdioko's user avatar
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What does the "lo" in "pasarlo bien" refer to?

The phrase pasarlo bien means something like "to have a good time" in sentences like, "Lo pasamos muy bien anoche." What does the "lo" in this phrase refer to? Does it replace an actual noun, or is it ...
jrdioko's user avatar
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15 votes
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What's the meaning of the expression "nada que ver"?

What's the meaning of the expression "nada que ver"? In which countries is used? Here are some examples: Lo que dices no tiene nada que ver con lo que estamos discutiendo. Conversation between ...
Alfredo Osorio's user avatar