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¿Qué quiere decir "engatillado"?

Sé lo que dice el RAE sobre la palabra. Sobre los animales y sobre la chapa. Pero cuando alguien me dice: ¡Chepe, estabas engatillado! Eso ¿qué quiere decir? La expresión viene de Colombia.
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Translation of "ni modo"

The phrase ni modo is used in many varieties of Spanish to mean many different things. What are its possible meanings? Which meaning is most common (i.e. which meaning would you assume if ni modo was ...
jrdioko's user avatar
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6 votes
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What does the "lo" in "pasarlo bien" refer to?

The phrase pasarlo bien means something like "to have a good time" in sentences like, "Lo pasamos muy bien anoche." What does the "lo" in this phrase refer to? Does it replace an actual noun, or is it ...
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