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Vernacular (colloquial) pronunciations of the letter 'w'

I went thoroughly over Ortografía de la lengua española (2010, RAE), specifically sections § and §, and came up with the following summary of pronunciation rules for the letter 'w'. (...
Lover of Structure's user avatar
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How to pronounce the cigar brand Cohiba in Spanish

Is it Co-ee-va? The h is silent, and the b between the two vowels is a soft b that's in between the sound of b and v?
RiffRaffCat's user avatar
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How to do an Alveolar Tap at the End of a Word

How to Pronounce the Alveolar Tap (ɾ) at the End of Words? I'm practicing pronouncing common words and infinitives in Spanish such as hablar, salir, comer, dolor, and lugar. As I understand it, I'm ...
Johnny Reynold's user avatar
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How to distinguish p and v sounds?

I find the p and v sounds are almost the same. For instance, 'por favor' sounds like 'por fapor' to me. Any tip or pedagogical method to resolve this issue?
qazwsx's user avatar
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Are ⟨ll⟩ and ⟨li⟩ distinct in lleísmo dialects?

Lleísmo dialects of Spanish are those that retain the distinction between /ʎ/ ⟨ll⟩ and /ʝ/ ⟨y⟩, in contrast to yeísmo dialects, which have merged the two phonemes. Here are maps showing lleísmo areas ...
Sam Kauffman's user avatar
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Why is [th] sound (written c or z) realized as [s] in Latin America?

From what I know, the "th" sound (like the th in thick) is written C before I and E and Z before A, O and U in European Spanish. However, in other regions, they are realized as [s] which is ...
Akshat Goswami's user avatar
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Why is the [z] sound in Spanish so uncommon compared to other languages?

Sorry if this is not a Latin question but there weren't any questions in other forums where I could edit. So since Latin is the closest language to Romance languages, I'll ask here. In most other ...
Akshat Goswami's user avatar
6 votes
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Pronunciation of -mente Adverbs

The general rule for Spanish pronunciation is that, barring an accent, words that end with vowels have stresses placed on the second-to-last syllable. However, with adverbs, there seem to be ...
Sebastian Pojman-Malo's user avatar
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Why I listen two different pronunciations of the word "alfil"?

I started to play chess with a couple of Mexican friends. Since I don't play very well, they recommended me some videos of Spanish-speaker YouTubers to learn chess and something of Spanish at the same ...
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Properly pronounce "cabellos" in Argentinian dialect of Spanish

Modern day sources suggest [dʒ] for 'll' in cabello/cabellos in Argentinian Spanish. However, this not-so-old recording clearly has [s] (not [dʒ]) for 'll' in cabellos. Does this mean that Argentinian ...
vtm11's user avatar
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¿Cómo se llama la rama de la lingüística que estudia la entonación?

El tono en el que se transmite un mensaje en cualquier lengua, también el español, influye tremendamente en lo que se pretende transmitir. Un simple "¿Qué?", en función de la entonación ...
tremendows's user avatar
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What are some good analogies I can use to explain ordinal numbers in an English translation?

I was recently having a conversation with my mother, who is Spanish-speaking only, after she was informed by someone who only spoke English that some work was going to be done on her street on the ...
The Harmonic Rainbow's user avatar
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In simple terms, how do you pronounce the S in Spain?

I am aware that the Iberian pronunciation of S is different from the Latin American one – it is sometimes likened to the English “sh” – but I do not know how to pronounce it myself.
Sleek's user avatar
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Spanish pronunciation of the word no

In Duolingo sessions, I keep tripping up over some mysterious difference between "no" being pronounced as "NO!" [no] and "NOH!" [nɔ]. What's the difference between these?
John Shannon's user avatar
6 votes
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Are the pronunciations for 'él' and 'el' different?

I wonder if él and el are pronounced differently. I can hear the sound here for él, but there is no sound file for el here
user67275's user avatar
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Two pronunciations for 'yo'?

I am learning Spanish at Duolingo, and am encountered a basic sentence, Yo bebo but heard two different pronunciations for 'yo': one is [yo] as in New York, and the other is [jo] as in the English ...
user67275's user avatar
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Pronunciación del diptongo en aun

'Aun' es utilizado sin acento cuando esta palabra se puede sustituir por 'aunque', 'siquiera' o 'incluso'. Mientras que 'aún' con acento es utilizado cuando la palabra se puede sustituir por 'todavía'....
C-cat's user avatar
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Difference between «b» and «v» in practice

Recently, I started to learn Spanish and like many before me I feel confused about b/v pronunciation. I found a good explanation here. One thing is still not crystal clear, though. It seems that ...
S. N.'s user avatar
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¿El andaluz es una lengua como el catalán?

He tenido preguntas sobre que si el andaluz es un idioma como el catalán o el euskera, porque se nota un poco la diferencia del habla, es decir, la pronunciación entre el castellano y andaluz.
Still_Learning's user avatar
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Cómo pronuncio la r suave?

Disclaimer: Hablo español, el español es mí lengua materna así que por favor no me digan que se pronuncia como la tt en "butter". Nunca pude pronunciarla creo yo, y cuando intento ...
holahola's user avatar
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When to drop the 's' at the end of words in Spain?

I often hear people say things like "mucha gracias" instead of "muchas gracias". When do you usually drop the 's'? And where is this common? I currently live in Barcelona.
timtam's user avatar
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Pronunciation spelling in "Ejpaña"

I know of no phonological process in any dialect that, before a bilabial plosive, converts/accommodates the interdental fricative in the velar larynx. Therefore, I would like to know what the spelling ...
GJC's user avatar
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Something in-between an audible separation between two syllables or two syllables and a diphthong in Spanish

There are words that have something in-between an audible separation between two syllables or two syllables and a diphthong. For example, the brē part of the Classical Latin word celebrētur, which ...
Ana Maria's user avatar
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¿Qué reglas de acentuación y pronunciación se usan en los préstamos lingüísticos?

Supongamos que uso un préstamo lingüístico, por ejemplo: Estoy ahora adentro del car En este caso una palabra en inglés, rodeada de palabras en español en una oración. ¿Aplico las reglas de ...
Luiyo's user avatar
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El vs La for Feminine Noun [duplicate]

Sometimes, we use el before a feminine noun, e.g. 'agua', 'ama', 'hambre' and the reason for the same is that the word starts with 'a' (or 'ha') and we do not want to have two 'a' one after another. ...
Economics User's user avatar
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When would Spanish speakers pronounce the "j" like the English "j"?

The Spanish "j" is most commonly pronounced like the English "h". In Castillian Spanish, it is pronounced like the "ch" in "loch". I have recently heard Spanish ...
Arunabh's user avatar
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No se escucha muy claramente

Necesito ayuda con -2:02 a -1:57. Creo que dice algo como "Esa justicia de la puerta seguir investigando y a poder resolvar 400 casos de robados que..." pero no tiene mucho sentido. Parece ...
K Man's user avatar
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Question on pronouncing two identical vowels in a row

I'm starting to self study Spanish and I'm trying to use Duolingo. On the site for a sentence like "Tu tren está aquí", the audio pronounces as "estaqui", only saying the "a&...
Pen and Paper's user avatar
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¿Por qué la eñe se pronuncia como /ni/ en Buenos Aires?

Me he dado cuenta de que algunas personas de Buenos Aires pronuncian la eñe como /ni/ en vez de /ɲ/: año /'ani.o/. Me parece particularmente interesante porque va en contra de la tendencia popular de ...
nopaltepec's user avatar
-2 votes
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What rules do I determine for pronouncing "c", "j", "l", "s", and "z"? [closed]

I want to write a computer program and draw flowcharts that will "Anglicize" the pronunciation of Spanish text of select consonants for English speakers learning Spanish to pronounce the ...
Arunabh's user avatar
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Pronunciacion de las frases como "he + e-verbo" y "ha + a-verbo"

En las frases como "lo ha acabado", "lo he hecho", muchas veces las escucho pronunciadas como si fuesen "lo acabado", "lo hecho" -- sin "ha" y "...
Okkun's user avatar
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Does my singing sound fluent?

UPDATE AGAIN: i'm singing this other song to practice. any advice would be appreciated!!! EDIT: i just realized, i was erroneously attempting to roll the R's that followed "t" and "c&...
tbt2345's user avatar
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How are vowels pronounced differently (regarding lip and/or tongue placement) in Spanish than in English?

When I was in college, one of my professors said something about vowels being pronounced differently in Spanish than in English, but I don't remember exactly what it was. I'm not asking what sounds ...
Jac0074 the TinyCards Lover's user avatar
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¿Por qué cambiamos el artículo en palabras con género femenino por motivos de pronunciación, pero no hacemos lo mismo con las palabras en masculino?

Según ¿Por qué no se dice la agua? Cuando un sustantivo femenino (agua, águila, manzana…) empieza por A tónica, es decir, que el acento, la fuerza al pronunciar, está en esa A (tenga o no tenga tilde)...
Pablo's user avatar
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Pronunciation of letters "c" and "z" in Spanish

I've listened to almost all of Enrique Iglesias' Spanish songs and in all of them he has pronounced "c"s and "z"s a little strange for me. In his song, Duele el Corazón (the ...
Snack Exchange's user avatar
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Can "x" pronounced as "s" and "sc" pronounced as "c" in Spanish Spanish?

Listening to Spaniards, what I sometimes hear is that they pronounce: "exacto" as "esacto" o "ejsacto", "fascinante" as "facinante", "excepción&...
musialmi's user avatar
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How to roll the 'R' when it is followed by an 'L'

So far rolling the R (in words like hacer, abrir, perro, pero) works quite well for me. But I have a problem when the R is followed by the letter L, like in hacerlo. It works a bit better when I widen ...
nogamawa's user avatar
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How to predict the pronunciations of loanwords?

The letter "c" (before "e"/"i") is generally pronounced as [θ] in Castilian Spanish, and [s] in Andalusian/"Latin American" Spanish. Likewise, "j" (...
Arunabh's user avatar
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8 votes
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Why is "cementerio" spelled with "n"?

I am aware that cementerio has nothing to do with cemento. It comes from Latin coemeterium which comes from Greek κοιμητήριον, koimeterion = sleeping place, bedroom, dormitory. I have not found any ...
Honza Zidek's user avatar
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How to show two vowels are pronounced in hiatus (e.g "tri-A-da" not "TRIA-da")?

I saw the word tríada and mistakenly assumed it was pronounced with three syllables like "tri-A-da". But I see now the accent on the "í" means the stress should be on the first ...
Rob N's user avatar
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¿Cuáles son los sonidos con el mayor grado de fuerza: las vocales o las consonantes?

Creo que son las vocales pero no estoy segura. Pienso eso, ya que, parafraseando, había leído en la Nueva gramática de la lengua española que las cuerdas vocales generan el sonido (RAE, 2009, 2011). ...
Valais Blacknose's user avatar
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Is there an accent that pronounces "s" as ⟨θ⟩?

I have an audiobook (meant for beginners learning Spanish) where the speaker has an accent I don't recognize. I know that in Spain some z's and c's are pronounced like an English th (IPA: ⟨θ⟩). But in ...
Rob N's user avatar
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Does the “y” sound carry over to the next syllable in common speech?

In some South American accents, the “y” sound is pronounced like the English “j”. However, when “y” is located at the end of words such as “soy” and “estoy”, the “y” is pronounced as the English “i”. ...
Axel Tong's user avatar
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Difficulty performing the trilled r in Spanish

I have tried for some time to make the RR sound but I can't get my tongue to vibrate for the most part. It's stiff and doesn't move at all or it vibrates slightly without any sound. If I try to relax ...
user28114's user avatar
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El fenómeno de la pérdida del -d- en los participios, ¿puede ocurrir en palabras que no sean participios?

Sé que es común que en el habla uno no use la -d- en la última sílaba de los verbos participios, por ejemplo, que diga 'partío' en lugar de 'partido'. ¿Pero ese fenómeno es posible con palabras que ...
Shinpai's user avatar
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Is the "h" pronounced in the word "alcohol"?

We have a number of posts about the pronunciation of "h" and this one Do any dialects of Spanish still pronounce "h"? refers to the entry in the DLE for "h" f. Octava ...
mdewey's user avatar
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Errores ortográficos con consonantes en ejercicios de comprensión auditiva: p/b/v, r/l, d/t, y/ll, c/qu/g, c/s

-------------------------Google Traducción------------------------- ¡Hola a todos! Empecé a aprender español desde cero recientemente y ahora estoy en el nivel principiante (A1). Tengo algunos ...
iim7b5-v7-im7's user avatar
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¿Cómo se pronuncia "Camus" en español?

Albert Camus en francés se pronuncia /albɛʁ kamy/ (con u francesa y sin pronunciar la s), pero me pregunto, ¿cómo se "castellaniza" su pronunciación? Al igual que Jean-Paul Sartre lo ...
MoholyNagy's user avatar
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How to read a heart? (¿Cómo se lee un símbolo de un corazón?)

I recently saw a magnet which read: Yo ❤ a mi perro I realized that I'm unsure how the heart symbol would be read. In English, the most common readings would be love or, as a metonym, heart. I could ...
Upper_Case's user avatar
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¿Yugoslavia o Yugoeslavia? ¿Con qué frecuencia se ha usado una "e" antes de "s" seguida de consonante?

Yugoslavia fue un país fundado en 1918 y deshecho a finales del siglo XX. Su nombre viene de yugo y slavia (eslavos del sur) y ese sufijo de slavia me resulta interesante. ¿Por qué? Pues porque es ...
fedorqui's user avatar
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