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Do there exist times when the word, "empezar" means something to do with an investment portfolio or money? In financial context, what is the meaning?

Considerando el siguiente enunciado: ¿Cómo una persona de 50 años, puede empezar desde cero su economía y tener éxito? Traducido al inglés, tenemos: How can a person of 50 years have the power to ...
Samuel Muldoon's user avatar
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¿Quién le manda?

What would be a good translation for "¿quién le manda?" As in: "Su hermano le ha metido en muchas broncas. ¿Quién le manda tener un hermano asi?" The source is Mexican.
Jose Skinner's user avatar
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I've got/I have the scars to prove it

A comment: X method is prone to causing trouble. I have the scars to prove it! Big pain. It's a waste of time and is just awful. The speed boost that brag about is almost completely non-existent. B ...
cocteau's user avatar
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Figurative meaning of ‘pagar la fianza’

¡Hola! I understand that ‘pagar la fianza’ means ‘to pay bail’ but does it have an other figurative meaning. This is in reference to its use in Prince Royce and Shakira’s song Déjà Vu (which I love ...
Rakesh Mhasawade's user avatar
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Is there a Spanish idiom equivalent to the English "I'd rather stick pins in my eyes"?

My Spanish colleague invited me to do something I'd prefer not to do. Is there something I could say in response, as an equivalence to the English idiom?
Strawberry's user avatar
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Is there a Spanish idiom for "pick/choose your poison"?

The "pick/choose your poison" idiom conveys that someone has to make a choice between two unpleasant options: Hiring a carpenter is expensive and doing it yourself is slow. Pick/Choose your ...
Diego's user avatar
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¿Cómo se habla como un pirata en español?

En inglés un pirata dice "Ahoy, matey!". ¿Cómo se dice "Ahoy, matey!" en español? ¿Hay otras frases comunes de piratas?
10 Replies's user avatar
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What is the meaning of 'por mí como si...'?

I'm finding it hard to understand this phrase Por mí como si te mueres What does it mean? What is the closest translation that makes sense in English? Also how do I form sentences of this form with ...
kyonkopa's user avatar
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Equivalent expression for "straw that broke the camel's back"?

Is there an equivalent phrase in Spanish for "the straw that broke the camel's back"? The phrase usually refers to to the final thing that is added to a bunch of things to cause a large reaction and ...
10 Replies's user avatar
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Modismo o expresión en español para "twinsies"

Hoy ha dado la casualidad de que dos miembros de mi equipo han venido con la misma camisa. No es la primera vez que pasa, y otro miembro del equipo decía que él tiene también la misma camisa. Hay ...
Diego's user avatar
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¿Modismo para "drinking from the firehose"?

Trabajando en un proyecto para mejorar la formación de nuevos empleados en mi empresa, he recordado que cuando yo empecé en ella, en las dos semanas iniciales que tuve de formación, mucha gente ...
Diego's user avatar
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Traducción para "To be in the soapbox"

"To be in the soapbox" o "To be on your soapbox" es una expresión que hace referencia a la gente que se subía en una de esas cajas grandes de madera (que se usaban para almacenar o ...
Diego's user avatar
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Modismo o expresión que traduzca "gaslighting"

El otro día aprendí un término la mar de interesante, con esa facilidad que hay en el inglés de transformar un nombre en un verbo (como googlear). El término en cuestión era gaslighting que viene a ...
Diego's user avatar
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What does 'tirar los tejos' mean?

WordReference translates 'tirar los tejos' as 'Hit on [somebody]' ['flirt with, try to seduce']. The 'Diccionario de la lengua española' defines 'tirar los tejos' as: loc. verb. coloq. ...
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Spanish equivalent for "page-turner"

Is there a Spanish expression equivalent to "page-turner", as in "this book is a real page-turner"? So far, I've asked one Mexican friend, who just shrugged and looked online, where ...
Forest's user avatar
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What is the meaning of "estaba más allá de todo"?

In Gabriel García Marquez's "Memorias de mis putas tristes", the following sentence is unknown in meaning to me, even the English translation, which I do not understand: Spanish: Rosa ...
Mehdi Haghgoo's user avatar
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What does "alimentarse del viento" mean?

If someone puts the phrase "Alimentarse del viento" as their status on a social site, what does it mean?
John's user avatar
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"Con matices" meaning and usage

So I'm reading this article on El País and I bumped into a phrase which sounds a little weird (even though I can guess the meaning). A ver, con matices. The closest thing that comes to mind is "...
Nat Naydenova's user avatar
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Significado y traduccion de "Dolor de pecho", o "duele el pecho"

Que significa en español la expresion "(le) duele el pecho"? Ejemplo: "Al devoto le duele el pecho cuando su corazon sale a acariciar el infinito". Como se traduce al ingles esta expresion, sin ...
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