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Conjugation for historical, legal, and literary texts?

I was using an online verb conjugator, and I can see that some conjugations are reserved for historical, legal, and literary texts. At the moment, my Spanish is too basic to have come across these in ...
securityauditor's user avatar
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Using infinitives like comer

I was told that using just the infinitive comer means to eat. However, does this fact change when using the indicative, subjunctive, or imperative? I am not referring to making any changes to the verb ...
securityauditor's user avatar
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Understanding the Spanish verb tense chart

I lived in Spain for five years, however I only learnt Spanish by copying sentences as opposed to learning all of the grammatical rules from a book. I also had to memorise all of the Los Tiempos ...
questioner's user avatar
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What is the literal translation of "te toca a ti"?

I have seen that it means "it is your turn". But is it supposed to mean something like "I touch to you"? What does "te toca" conjugate from anyway?
RockingGirl06's user avatar
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¿Cómo se nombran los *cul-de-sac* en diferentes países?

Hoy dando vueltas por internet, encontré la expresión cul-de-sac que puede traducirse como calle sin salida, lo que en el habla cotidiana en Colombia se conoce como 'Calle ciega' (El diccionario de ...
VeAqui's user avatar
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¿Por qué "I am good" se traduce como "soy bueno" y "I am fine" como "estoy bien", teniendo que cambiar el verbo?

Quiero saber la diferencia entre las palabras good and fine. Cuando alguien pregunta ¿cómo está usted? probablemente respondo algo como I am good o I am fine en inglés, pero si quiero responder lo ...
Ashraf.Shk786's user avatar
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¿Cómo se podría traducir al español neutro la expresión "nice catch!"?

Hace pocos días me volví a encontrar con la expresión inglesa nice catch!, una vieja conocida a la que le llevo buscando traducción desde hace muchos años. Se utiliza la expresión indicando que una ...
Charlie's user avatar
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How to correctly ask a bartender for a drink in Madrid?

I've seen various versions but not sure what would be an acceptable polite phrase. In Mexico a bartender told me it's "ME DAS un mojito, por favor", in Barcelona a waitress told me I can just say "...
Andrey's user avatar
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Which style of hat represents the Spanish language the best? [closed]

Spanish, as most know (and probably all who are reading this), is spoken in many countries, but the cultures of the speakers differ widely, especially between Spain and Latin America. What I want to ...
B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven's user avatar