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Términos con el mismo, o casi, significado en al menos uno de sus sentidos. // Terms with the same or almost the same meaning in at least one of their senses.

2 votes

Are "borroso" and "empañado" synonymous?

Both words could be considered synonyms since the effect is very similar. Is the cause of that effect that would make you choose one over the other. As the other answers are stating, the main differ …
Diego's user avatar
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10 votes

"Lucha" vs "Pelea": what's the difference?

I think that Lucha has a broader meaning, while Pelea is a physical fight, a quarrel or discussion. For example you could use Lucha like Lucha contra el cáncer Lucha contra los elementos, nieve, lluv …
Diego's user avatar
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2 votes

Difference between "rubor" and "sonrojo"

Both terms are complete synonyms. Rubor may have some poetic connotations that sonrojar has not. Note that some online dictionaries would state that rubor is A response of body tissues to irritation. …
Diego's user avatar
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1 vote

Difference between "chiste" and "chanza"

You would use chiste for a joke, not a practical joke, which would be a broma. Chiste: This guy walks into a bar... Broma: I told everyone that I lost the car keys and you should have seen …
Diego's user avatar
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3 votes

"Recato" vs. "modestia" vs. "decencia"

My understanding of the terms is that recato means something that has much more to do with decencia than to 'modestia`. I use them more or les this way: Modestia is indeed modesty. I use to show the …
Diego's user avatar
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1 vote

¿Cuáles son sinónimos de "ni fu ni fa"?

Colombia Ni chicha ni limonada (usualmente «ni chicha ni limoná») Mucho tilín tilín y nada de paletas No raja ni presta el hacha Aunque sinónimos de "ni fu ni fa" estas frases se usan en situaciones …
Diego's user avatar
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6 votes

¿Existe alguna palabra para expresar algo que es más que un deseo pero menos que una necesidad?

Algo que deseas mucho mucho, pero que realmente no necesitas es un antojo o un capricho. antojo m. Deseo apremiante y pasajero, habitualmente caprichoso Tienes también "anhelo" como sinónimo de "D …
Diego's user avatar
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4 votes

Can there be situations where both "saber" and "conocer" can be used?

Saber and conocer are not always perfectly interchangeable. Saber is used when we want to convey knowledge or mastery of skills. Conocer conveys a meaning more like "be familiar with" or "to know". …
Diego's user avatar
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7 votes

¿Cuál es la palabra más adecuada para referirse a un olor o fragancia agradable?

Yo descartaría olor, porque este puede ser tanto bueno como malo. Aroma y fragancia tienen ambas por el contrario connotaciones sólo positivas de acuerdo al DRAE: Aroma Perfume, olor muy agradabl …
Diego's user avatar
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1 vote

Other Spanish synonyms to "Banana"

I am adding this summary following what was discussed in Juntemos en respuestas wiki las respuestas cortas específicas de regiones / Let's use community wiki to summarize set of short region specific …
6 votes

Bonito/Bonita: only for *things*? (Spanish from Spain, please)

While it is correct, we favor "guapo/guapa" for people, unless you are talking about babies. It could still be okay to address as "bonita" to a young girl, but if would sound awkward for men. So, it …
Diego's user avatar
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5 votes

¿Estoy usando bien "hipócrita"?

es un hipócrita pero desde luego es un: incoherente (coherencia: Actitud lógica y consecuente con los principios que se profesan) e incongruente (congruente: Conveniente, coherente, lógico.) y demás sinónimos
Diego's user avatar
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5 votes

Difference between "manejar" and "conducir"

Yes, that statement would sound funny in Spain, where indeed the speaker would have used conducir twice. Latin American countries favor "manejar" (to handle or steer a vehicle, if you fancy it that wa …
Diego's user avatar
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2 votes

Translation for "People - Place - Time" for a slogan in a business context

I would favor asistentes or even audiencia over "gente" for people. Without more context is difficult to give you a better word, since it's impossible to know for sure what you really want to convey. …
Diego's user avatar
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3 votes

"Fusca" como coloquialismo español para hablar de dinero. ¿Cuál es el origen?

Otros sinónimos válidos para dinero, aunque posiblemente no universales, serían: plata parné pasta guita cuartos efectivo metálico …
Diego's user avatar
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