In English when you don't want to give answer or when you don't have answer and a person asks you "why?" some people then answer: "because!". What is corresponding word in Spanish?

I've checked the dictionaries and I saw some translations for the word "because" but I'm not sure if it's for the meaning that I'm talking about.

  • 1
    In English I have heard "just because" plenty of times, but rarely "because" on its own
    – Bruno9779
    Commented Dec 17, 2016 at 21:34

1 Answer 1


The Spanish equivalent would be "Porque si" (positive) and, as pointed out by rsanchez, "Porque no" (negative).

For example,

  • Why did you do that?
  • Because!

would become:

  • ¿Por qué hiciste eso?
  • Porque sí.


  • Why can't I go?
  • Because!

would become:

  • ¿Por qué no puedo ir?
  • Porque no.

Now, there are other ways to express "because!", here are a few examples for its positive variation:

  • Porque quiero (Because I want to)
  • Porque se me antoja (Because I feel like it, a little rude - rude)
  • Porque me da la gana (Because I want to, a little more rude - rude)
  • Porque se me pega la gana (Because I want to, with even a more rude tone - rude++)
  • Porque se me hincha la gana (Because I want to, with even a more rude tone - rude#)
  • Porque yo lo digo (Because I say so, this is a favorite among parents)

Here are a few examples for its negative variation:

  • Porque no quiero (Because I don't want to)
  • Porque no se me antoja (Because I don't feel like it, a little rude - rude)
  • Porque no me da la gana (Because I don't want to, a little more rude - rude)
  • Porque no se me pega la gana (Because I don't want to, with even a more rude tone - rude++)
  • Porque no se me hincha la gana (Because I don't want to, with even a more rude tone - rude#)
  • Porque yo lo digo (Because I say so, this is a favorite among parents)

"Porque yo lo digo" works in both variations, that might be why it is a favorite among parents since it is so versatile.

Additional note: If you use one of the alternatives don't forget to conjugate to match the tense in which the question has been asked, particularly in the past.

For example,

  • Why did you do that?
  • Because!

would become (based on the conjugation of the verb "querer"):

  • ¿Por qué hiciste eso?
  • Porque quise (From "porque quiero")

However, in a future tense variant it is safe to use the present tense:

  • Why are you going to do that?
  • Because!

would become:

  • ¿Por qué vas a hacer eso?
  • Porque quiero (Not "porque querré")

Also note that "Porque yo lo digo" can apply as-is, without the need to match the tense.

  • It could also be Porque no, if the question was about a negation, for instance: - Why can't I go? - Because! - ¿Por qué no puedo ir? - ¡Porque no!
    – rsanchez
    Commented Dec 16, 2016 at 5:46
  • 1
    Porque se me pega la gana y Porque se me hincha la gana nunca las había oído, ¿se usan en España?
    – fedorqui
    Commented Dec 16, 2016 at 8:38
  • 2
    @fedorqui lo dudo mucho, suena bastante raro ese se me. Yo venía a comentar que también se puede contestar en algunos casos preguntando ¿Y por qué no?: -¿Por qué hiciste eso? -¿Y por qué no?
    – user14069
    Commented Dec 16, 2016 at 8:59
  • 1
    En El Chavo del Ocho dicen siempre "porque se me da la regalada gana".
    – Rodrigo
    Commented Dec 16, 2016 at 11:15
  • 1
    @fedorqui En Argentina se usa "Porque se me da la gana" y otras variantes más vulgares como "Porque se me canta (el culo / las pelotas / etc) "
    – leonbloy
    Commented Dec 16, 2016 at 18:29

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