Words like "as" have many definitions, so I'm having difficulty finding the Spanish word that would make sense in this sense:
"Where are you going?" John asked as Mary grabbed her keys.
I first tried to find a direct translation of as, and got como. But that didn't sound quite right. So I tried while and got mientras but I don't think that's quite right either; the two events don't happen exactly simultaneously. She starts to pick up the keys and that's when he asks; it probably takes less time for her to pick up the keys than for him to finish his question, so he's still talking when she's done. The same applies to during, which I tried next (and got durante). Not quite right for similar reasons to while.
So I'm just not quite sure what Spanish word fits here. I have a feeling that there's perhaps an idiomatic construction for situations like these, since as is such a versatile word in English; I understand why a direct translation might be unlikely. So, can anyone help me out here? :)