Does anyone know what would be the right translation of the term "news junkie" to Spanish?
Or a term which better fits as most used translation for it?
"Noticiadicto" doesn't exist in Spanish. To use an accepted expression in correct Spanish that conveys the meaning of "news junkie", would be better to use "adicta/o a las noticias".
Based on the same construction as drogadicto (drug addict) you could use the invented noticiadicto (noticias + adicto).
Adicto a las noticias o adicta a las noticias es lo que más se acerca. Los términos coloquiales de drogadicto no se han utilizado hasta el momento para describir una gran afición a algo. Adicto al fútbol, Adicto a facebook son otros ejemplos. Algunos equivalentes para junkie son: marihuano, drogo, moto, monero, motorolo.
Just for clarifying, adicto it's a formal way for medical and psycology usage, and that would be a News-addict
But this is not the case, Junkie it's like an slang, so if you want something more informal you could use: Traumado por las noticias, at least in México, maybe in other countries the word Traumado could be replaced.