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2 votes
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Conjugation for historical, legal, and literary texts?

I was using an online verb conjugator, and I can see that some conjugations are reserved for historical, legal, and literary texts. At the moment, my Spanish is too basic to have come across these in ...
securityauditor's user avatar
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Using infinitives like comer

I was told that using just the infinitive comer means to eat. However, does this fact change when using the indicative, subjunctive, or imperative? I am not referring to making any changes to the verb ...
securityauditor's user avatar
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¿Por qué se usa el subjuntivo para indicar pasado? [duplicate]

Leo con frecuencia en ambientes coloquiales (grupos de WhatsApp, o redes sociales, por ejemplo) de España frases del tipo: —Ayer hablemos con Juan. —El otro día cenemos en un restaurante kurdo. En ...
fedorqui's user avatar
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Which dialects conjugate "nosotros" differently in the indicative present and preterite (-ar verbs)?

In standard Spanish, the indicative present and preterite are conjugated identically for nosotros in -ar (and -ir) verbs: Hablamos - We speak Hablamos - We spoke However in many closely related ...
jacobo's user avatar
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Diferencia entre «entretuviesen» y «entretenieran»

Estoy experimentando con unos flashcards de Anki, y encontré esa frase: Si los niños se entretuviesen por unos minutos podría tomar una siesta. Es la primera vez que he visto una conjugación así. ...
Flimzy's user avatar
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