We have a winner! user5389726598465, with an 54-letter answer (59 with a minor fix), found the shortest translation of the Mirror of Galadriel.
Qué le refleja el espejo mágico, ni los listos lo saben. Que es, fue, y será. Ve.
In bold minor fix/improvement made by me. (It still is the shortest answer even with the fixes).
Welcome to a new edition of the game!
If this is your first time, there's some info for beginners at the end of this post.
This edition's proposed text is a quote from The Lord of the Rings - The Mirror of Galadriel. (To be exact I found this in a game, and later in La Tertulia @walen explain me it was from a movie!)
Not even the wisest can say what will you see, for the magic mirror shows many things. Things that are, things that were, and some things that have not yet come to pass... just look into the mirror.
(153 characters)
I added the parts in italic in order to make the phrase a bit more large.
The goal is to translate the given text to Spanish, using as few letters as possible, while keeping all the original text's meaning and concepts more or less intact.
Here's a (non-golfed) example translation:
Ni siquiera el más sabio es capaz de decir que verás, el espejo mágico muestra muchas cosas. Muestra cosas que son, muestra cosas que fueron, y algunas otras cosas que aún no han llegado a pasar... simplemente observa el espejo.
(181 characters)
- Rules: Translation-golf rules
- Letter counter: jsfiddle
You may want to check past translation-golf questions to get a feel of the game dynamics and the kind of answers expected.
Want to share translation ideas, ask for clarifications or just tease other contesters? Join us in La Tertulia, Spanish.SE's official chat room!
Have fun!