Winner: CarlosAlejo with a translation golfed down to just 86 letters. Impressive!
Welcome to a new edition of the game!
If this is your first time, there's some info for beginners at the end of this post.
This edition's proposed text is a partial transcript of "The Future of Programming", a conference given by Robert "Uncle Bob" C. Martin.
The transcripted part starts at 1:14:25; bear in mind, however, that some parts are omitted in the transcript for brevity.
The part I picked talks about the role of software engineers in the modern world. In light of the 40-month prison sentence and $200.000 fine given to the main engineer involved in the Volkswagen scandal, I think the topic is now more relevant than ever.
(If you are a programmer / developer / software engineer of any kind and you haven't listened to this, I really really recommend you start listening from here -- it's only 8 minutes.)
Now, the text:
We rule the world.
The world doesn't know this yet. We don't quite know it yet.
Other people believe that they rule the world, but they write the rules down and they hand them to us, and then we write the rules, that go into the machines, that execute everything that happens on this planet.
And one day, one of us is going to do something dumb (and maybe not even that dumb), and the result will be a catastrophe where tens of thousands of people die.
And when this happens, they will point their fingers right at us, and they will ask us the question: "How could you have let this happen?"(458 letters)
Example, non-golfed, translation:
Nosotros regulamos el mundo.
El mundo no se ha enterado de esto aún. Nosotros no nos hemos enterado del todo aún.
Otras personas se creen que ellas regulan el mundo, pero escriben las reglas y luego nos las dan, y entonces nosotros escribimos las reglas que van en las máquinas que ejecutan todo lo que sucede en este planeta.
Y un día, uno de nosotros va a hacer algo estúpido (y quizá no tan estúpido), y el resultado será una catástrofe donde decenas de miles de personas mueran.
Y cuando esto pase, apuntarán su dedo índice hacia nosotros, y nos harán la pregunta: "¿Cómo habéis podido dejar que pase esto?".
(484 letters)
The goal is to translate the given text to Spanish, using as few letters as possible, while keeping all the original text's meaning and concepts more or less intact.
- Rules: Translation-golf rules
- Letter counter: jsfiddle
You may want to check past translation-golf questions to get a feel of the game dynamics and the kind of answers expected.
Want to share translation ideas, ask for clarifications or just tease other contesters?
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Have fun!