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2 answers

¿Es correcto decir "Tostada de aguacate"?

En este contexto, el aguacate es untado. En inglés, no dirías "Avocado on toast", sino "avocado toast". ¿Cuál es la forma correcta de decir esto?
8protons's user avatar
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¿Cómo se dice «side of beef» en español?

Si buscas "side of beef," puedes ver que se trata de la mitad de la canal del animal, un producto comerciado al nivel mayorista. No puedo encontrar el termino español. Una busca para "lado de carne" ...
aris's user avatar
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5 answers

How to say 'Does it come with...?' like at a restaurant

Today I was ordering at the local taqueria and I wanted to ask whether my meal came with chips. The verbatim translation would use the verb 'venir', something like "viene con chips", but this seems ...
ChocolateAndCheese's user avatar
19 votes
9 answers

How do you differentiate between walnuts and pecans in Spanish?

It recently occurred to me that the Spanish nuez can be translated to English as both "walnut" and "pecan." Is the same word really used for both types of nuts? How would you specify which nut you're ...
jrdioko's user avatar
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4 answers

Translation of mild, medium, and hot (food spiciness)

In English, salsa, hot sauce, or other spicy foods are often classified as either mild (not very spicy), medium (moderately spicy), or hot (very spicy). Does Spanish have similar adjectives to ...
jrdioko's user avatar
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