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What's the difference between a verb and their reflexive form if the verb is mono/intransitive?

I can understand the difference between "dar" and "darse" as "dar" (to give) is a ditransitive verb (a verb which has a direct and indirect object). For example: Le doy ...
lil' barbussy's user avatar
11 votes
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Does 'hacer alguien matar' mean to make somebody kill or to get sb killed?

I heard the following sentence in the Narcos TV series, which takes place in Colombia: Lo usamos y lo hicimos matar. Translating literally, "lo hicimos matar" is "we made him kill" (= we got him ...
Alan Evangelista's user avatar
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Why change what follows "no se limita" from "a cualquier locale..." to "a ningun lugar geografico"?

How is the following phrase better or worse than the one after: Afortunadamente, Dios no se limita a cualquier locale geográfico. (Fortunately, God is not limited to any geographic location). ...
Jck Gutknecht's user avatar
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¿Qué es "hacer la coperacha"?

Canadienses hacen “coperacha” para jornaleros mexicanos accidentados. ¿Qué significa esa expresión?
DerPolyglott33's user avatar
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What are the more complex meanings of "de"?

So, I already know basic forms of this word (of, from, etc.), but I keep seeing it used in places that I don't understand. For example, I sometimes see "antes de que", or just "de que". Why does "de" ...
kingkola36's user avatar
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¿Cuál es el análisis gramatical de "¿Cómo me le va?"?

Vivo en Colombia y con cierta frecuencia escucho la pregunta "¿Cómo me le va?" pero nadie me puede explicar por qué usa "me" en este caso. ¿Esta frase tiene alguna explicación ...
cansadadeserfeliz's user avatar
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Is it "Tú juegas como el" or "Tú juegas como él"? [closed]

The sentence says "You play as him" but all of the choices have the last word as el instead of él. I believe "Tú juegas como él" to be the right choice, is that correct?
David G's user avatar
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"a mí" and "yo" differences?

I'm not very great at Spanish, and I was wondering this simple question: "What is the difference between 'a mí' and 'yo'"? I know they are sometimes used differently ("a mí me gusta ..." rather than "...
Jonathan Lam's user avatar
5 votes
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¿Donde se crió? o ¿Donde crió?

I was listening to a conversation and heard the question, '¿Donde se crió?', and the reflexive caught me by surprise. Checking my dictionary didn't help much. Although 'criar' and 'criarse' are both ...
McArthey's user avatar
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Repartiera meaning (or what is subjunctive preterite imperfect?)

I'm to the point in my Spanish study that I'm reading books. I often come across words that I might know (such as repartir - to distribute) but the specific form is confusing. I'm hopeful that ...
McArthey's user avatar
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"después que" vs. "después de que"

Along the lines of another question I asked, what is the difference between después que and después de que? Is the situation the same as for antes? When are they synonymous, and when is one correct ...
jrdioko's user avatar
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5 votes
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"antes que" vs. "antes de que"

What is the difference between the phrases antes que and antes de que? When should each be used? Are there contexts where one is correct and one is incorrect, or are they completely synonymous?
jrdioko's user avatar
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4 votes
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Speakers' location in determining venir vs. ir

In English, we use the word "come" very loosely (at least in day-to-day spoken English): Want to come over to my place later? Can I come over to your house for New Years'? Can you come meet me at the ...
jrdioko's user avatar
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