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¿Qué es "cocorichi"?

En 1826 a la mina del Real de Guarisamey, Durango, México, se pagaban impuestos al introducir: sal, maíz, frijol, ciruelas, sandía, plátanos, uva, quesos, mezcal, chiles, cebollas, camotes, panocha, ...
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2 votes
2 answers

Is the Spanish word "jamón" cognate with the English word "ham"?

In linguistics, cognates are words that have a common etymological origin. A cognate etymon need not be inherited directly from a proto-language; the etymon can be borrowed from some other language, ...
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Why are beers called "lagartos" in Cuba?

Why is a beer known as a lagarto ("lizard") in Cuba? lagarto: (uso vulgar) cerveza (Cuba). Glosario popular cubano (Estudio de cubanismos actuales) Neither the DLE entry (6.) nor the ...
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4 votes
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Does «bistec de res» differ from «bistec» or is the former just redundant?

I have seen a few signs and menus in Mexico City that say "bistec de res". I understand this, though, to mean "beef steak of beef". The de res seems totally unnecessary to me, whose first language is ...
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When does a "pez" become a "pescado"?

If I understand correctly, a live fish is a "pez" whereas one cooked or otherwise ready for eating (dead) is a "pescado." So when exactly does this transformation take place - when the fish is caught,...
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