I'm struggling to find a proper translation for "ballooning/spiraling" as in "ballooning public debt". Basically, it's about something growing very fast. Ideally, I want one word, an adjective, nor a verb. Creciente doesn't quite capture the speed of it. Explosivo might get closer but I am not convinced, as the key is not about violence but increasing speed. Desbordado doesn't sound appropriate either. A two word solution might be crecimiento acelerado. Do you have a suggestion for one word?
1Qué te parece ‘exponential’?– TravellerCommented Apr 17, 2020 at 7:11
1@Traveller: It would be "exponencial" in Spanish. But it would be "crecimiento exponencial", that is, two words.– CharoCommented Apr 17, 2020 at 11:04
2I would discourage the informal use of 'exponential' to mean 'very fast' when one talks about a variable that can be measured, since it has a specific mathematical meaning (growing as fast as fixed quantity exponentiated to a value that is proportional to time) which becomes shadowed by its imprecise counterpart. This is true both in Spanish and in English.– Guillermo BCNCommented Apr 18, 2020 at 13:48
1I totally agree with you, @GuillermoBCN. In the same way, "crecimiento muy rápido" and "crecimiento acelerado" don't have the same meaning.– CharoCommented Apr 18, 2020 at 14:14
@Charo, sure, that is another good example.– Guillermo BCNCommented Apr 18, 2020 at 14:16
4 Answers
¿Qué te parece el verbo disparar? En el propio DRAE aparece un ejemplo parecido al tuyo
- tr. Dicho de una cosa: Incrementar o hacer crecer sin moderación algo.
La demanda disparó los precios
growing very fast = crecer sin moderación algo
ballooning public debt = disparando(se) la deuda pública
1Would it not be deuda disparandose since ballooning is intended as an adjective?– mdeweyCommented Apr 17, 2020 at 14:16
@mdewey I was not sure about the exact use intended by the OP. But in that case it should be "disparada" (participio), instead of "disparando" (gerundio).– RubioRicCommented Apr 17, 2020 at 15:06
2I am fairly sure an adjective is meant here. The sentence might have been The country experienced a ballooning public debt. To be fair I would not have used spiralling in the same way, things are usually described as spiraling out of control.– mdeweyCommented Apr 17, 2020 at 15:14
1También funcionaría: "Con la deuda pública disparándose,..." Commented Apr 18, 2020 at 13:51
Could it be "deuda pública astronómica" or "deuda pública asfixiante" as it's choking the economy or society.
Also, "deuda pública galopante" implies that the debt is increasing fast
While it may not carry some of the connotations that "ballooning" (growing rapidly as if you were inflating a balloon) or "spiraling" (show a continuous and dramatic increase) have, the DRAE includes "sobrecrecer"
Exceder en crecimiento o crecer excesivamente.
As an advantage, it is one word.
[...] la sobrecrecida deuda pública
[...] la sobrecreciente deuda pública
How about "aumento fulminante"? This might be a little closer to ballooning than aumento explosivo. It's still a little more violent than a balloon, but a little less so than explosivo.
Thanks but this is two words. Also, the word is not to be used as a verb. Commented Apr 17, 2020 at 16:23
@RubioRic Yes but the frase would be "aumento fulminante de la deuda publica", instead of e.g. "deuda publica explosiva". Commented Apr 17, 2020 at 20:53