It's used while speaking indians (mexicans?) in a book of Mario Vargas Llosa. I am interested about origin and meaning of this phrase. Contextual it should mean something like "my friend", but it's only my opinion.

2 Answers 2


"Cabo" is a rank of military hierarchy, equivalent to "corporal" in Anglo-Saxon culture. The use of the possessive "mi" corresponds to a respectful manner, as in "Oh, captain! My captain!".

  • Rodrigo, we really don't say Anglo-Saxon in English, unless it refers to early settlers in in England who came over from the Europe. We say: English-speaking cultures.
    – Lambie
    Commented Jul 26, 2022 at 22:08

military rank corporal or between corporal and sergeant (cabo primero). I guess you're reading "La ciudad y los perros". I studied in that place...


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