I had never heard this expression. Upon research I could find that the expression does not only use "venir" but also "estar", "andar", etc.
Then, I found out that DRAE has a mention to it, in which it indicates that it is typical from Chile, no other countries:
m. y f. Persona que practica con torpeza o desacierto la profesión que ejerce.
m. y f. coloq. Mal torero.
m. y f. Guat. Persona perversa.
a la maleta
- loc. adv. coloq. Chile. a traición. Le pegó a la maleta.
andar alguien de maletas
- loc. verb. coloq. Chile. Estar de mal humor.
As you see, "maleta" has this connotation of "dumb", so a translation would be like "acting dumb", which in some cases can be seen as "acting bad
I don't think it is a synonym of enojarse, since this means to get angry, probably as a result of something. However, in this case is most likely to refer to a continuous feeling: you wake up and feel bad tempered.