I always have trouble figuring out what break is in Spanish for the sentence "How was you winter break". I don't know if it break is vacaciones in this case. My guess is

Como es tu invierno

  • Welcome to our site. We're a little strict on our translation requests, so that we don't turn into a translation service. We are happy to help you translate sentences, in the spirit of helping you learn the Spanish language, but we require that all translations requests show at least an attempt to translate the phrase into Spanish first. What have you come up with that we can help you clarify?
    – Flimzy
    Commented Jan 26, 2015 at 6:54
  • Do you mean that in my question, it should tell what I think the translation would be
    – Tia27
    Commented Jan 26, 2015 at 21:11
  • Yes, that's exactly right. We need to know that you've done your own research, and that you aren't just using us as a translation service.
    – Flimzy
    Commented Jan 26, 2015 at 21:18
  • Thanks. I have one question, my question that I asked was already answered, so why do I need to edit it again?
    – Tia27
    Commented Jan 27, 2015 at 2:16
  • On Stack Exchange, we strive to make our content useful to future visitors. This means it's important to that our questions and answers fit a particular format, so that it's easy for future visitors to search for information that can help them. Of course, nobody is obligating you to edit your question. If you have already answered your question, and choose not to edit your question, that's your choice. That means it will remain closed. That can be acceptable for some people.
    – Flimzy
    Commented Jan 27, 2015 at 3:04

5 Answers 5


Literally it would be

¿Cómo fueron tus vacaciones de invierno?

Break normally is translated as "vacaciones" into Spanish, which is more like holidays.

As a remark, we rarely say "vacaciones de invierno", at least in Spain, we always say vacaciones de Navidad (Christmas Holidays).


We translate "break" (the time for resting during vacations) as "vacaciones". The phrase whould be translated as :

¿Qué tal fueron tus vacaciones?

Note that we use "vacaciones" as a plural, cause is a sum of many days.

  • 1
    Thanks for the help but why is there a qué tal? I thought that qué tal means how are you.
    – Tia27
    Commented Jan 22, 2015 at 22:31
  • no, it means "how is", we use, however, "¿Qué tal?" as a shortening of "¿Qué tal estás?" wich means "how are you?". You should'nt use "Que tal?" alone, as it doesnt have meaning alone, but we use it as a shorter version of "Que tal estás?" Commented Jan 23, 2015 at 8:50
  • 1
    "¿Qué tal te ha salido el exámen?" - "How did the exam go?" "¿Que tal me queda el vestido?" - "How is this dress suiting me?" Commented Jan 23, 2015 at 8:51

Break means descanso but depending on the context and the length of that break you can translate it as vacaciones (when it is a long period such as Christmas, Easter), recreo(when children at school take their break) o pausa (when you go for a coffee or lunch in the middle of your workday).


Receso es la traduccion exacta de break en este contexto.

Como estuvo tu receso de invierno.


How was your winter break = Como fueron tus vacaciones de invierno?


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