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3 answers

How is "social media accounts" translated?

I want to say: The court allowed the defense to use a photo from the woman's social media accounts. And have translated it as: El tribunal permitió a la defensa utilizar una foto de la cuenta ...
A. Bell 's user avatar
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What's Spanish for "Singalong"?

Como padre de un crío de dos años y medio, he ido ya a bastantes singalongs. En estas actividades los niños cantan lo que saben o lo que pueden (dependiendo de la edad) diferentes canciones. Nunca ...
Diego's user avatar
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1 answer

How to translate "shanghai" or "shanghaiing"?

Merriam-Webster defines shanghai as to put aboard a ship by force often with the help of liquor or a drug Wikipedia defines shanghaiing as Shanghaiing or crimping is the practice of ...
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2 answers

Which translation of "The Velveteen Rabbit" is most accurate?

Just on Amazon, I can see: El Conejo De Pana, El Conejo De Felpa, and El Conejo De Terciopelo (additional links). Clearly, these are different translations, as even the titles are translated ...
WBT's user avatar
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Banking terminology: "cuentas" vs "cuentas claras"

What is the difference in banking terms between "cuentas" and "cuentas claras"? The latter seems to be a service for which the bank charges a fee.
Jim Garrison's user avatar
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Computer science, software engineer/developer, and programmer

When visiting Spanish-speaking countries, I've been told various ways to translate these terms: Computer Science (as in a university degree program) Software Engineer Software Developer Programmer ...
jrdioko's user avatar
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