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How do you say "spread" in Spanish? [closed]

Like in the sentence: The poison spread out all over her body. El veneno .... por todo su cuerpo.
Gina Axella's user avatar
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Is "beata" an adequate translation of "housemaid"?

Reading a Spanish translation of "Three Men in a Boat" I've found that "... the only malady I could conclude I had not got was housemaid’s knee." was translated as y la única enfermedad ...
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How do I say these phrases in Spanish? [closed]

I don't know Spanish beyond maybe a half a dozen common words. How do I say these in a casual, unfamiliar tone: Did I get a package from UPS? Sorry, that's all the Spanish I know. Google ...
Jason C's user avatar
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Packing material vocabulary

In English, there are quite a few words to describe materials used to pad and insulate packages that are being shipped from one place to another: packing peanuts or foam peanuts are individual pieces ...
jrdioko's user avatar
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subjunctive form and present tense form in my sentence

Let's say I want to say: I don't want the bank to send ads to my family. In this the correct translation? No quiero que el banco envíe anuncios a mi familia. If so, why envíe being subjunctive ...
nylypej's user avatar
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Traducción de "verbatim"

¿Existe algún término en español que signifique lo mismo que "verbatim" en inglés? Google Translate sugiere un anglicismo que no existe en el DLE.
Edwar's user avatar
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Translation: I was pushed into getting past simple pleasures of life in order to catch up with the standards of maturity [closed]

tiene dificultades con traducción, pero no soy una inglaterra y por eso la frase en inglés puede ser mal también: I was pushed into getting past simple pleasures of life in order to catch up with the ...
surykatka's user avatar
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¿Qué aparatos tecnológicos usas? [closed]

¿Qué aparatos tecnológicos usas? This is a question I must answer for my work. I am only a secondary student, so low vocabulary is fine.
Jye's user avatar
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