I was just eating some tortilla chips and salsa when I asked myself, "What is the difference between this salsa and something like salsa de espagueti
So far, I have yet to hear or read an emphasis on the type of salsa
being made/used/eaten... Whenever I search YouTube for "how to make salsa" or "¿cómo hacer salsa?" or "¿cómo hacer salsa italiana?", I get that same sauce that I would normally refer to as marinana sauce
, in English.
This is not a gastronomical question.
I am not asking how to make the salsa. That is irrelevant.
Is there a correct way to distinguish between the marinara sauce
I referred to earlier and the salsa you would use as a tortilla chip dip?
Tositos makes salsa dip, queso dip, all sorts of dips, but in Spanish it seems that are pretty much all considered salsa