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2 answers

What is the spanish translation for "Account" when referring to a user account on a website?

The English > Spanish translation of account on Google Translate comes up with various forms of the word cuenta. However, the Spanish > English translation of cuenta returns words relating to ...
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6 votes
7 answers

What does "se trata de" mean?

In my reading, I've run across several forms of "se trata de", and dictionaries haven't been much help. For example: eran todos hombres libres y se trataba de un feudo feliz y prospero si ...
Tony's user avatar
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3 answers

challenge: desafío vs. reto

The English word "challenge" can be translated to Spanish as desafío (desafiar) or reto (retar). Is there any difference between these words, or are they exact synonyms? If there is a difference, when ...
jrdioko's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Spanish words for "loop"

I was recently reading a review of a Spanish-English dictionary that picked "loop" as a good example of a word with many possible translations into Spanish. I looked around and found several ...
jrdioko's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

What is the best way to refer to those of Spanish descent or language?

In English there are several ways to refer to people who speak Spanish or are from a Spanish-speaking country: Hispanic, Latin, Latino, Chicano, Spanish-speaking, etc. What equivalent terms exist in ...
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