If we have a sentence like:
No me queda más madera.
Is "madera" the subject of the verb queda or does queda not have a subject here? If it does not have a subject would we call that a "sujeto tácito" or can a "sujeto tácito" only be a personal pronoun like yo/tú/nosotros?
The RAE gives this example in the second entry for quedar: https://dle.rae.es/quedar
Me quedan tres euros.
So it seems like "tres euros" is indeed the subject. However, if I go with:
Me queda más que un poco de madera.
It seems like I just have 3 complements ("más que": CC de Cantidad, "un poco": CC de Cantidad, "de arroz": CC de materia). So depending on the example, I go back and forth on whether this use of quedar has a clear subject or not.