Wikipedia mentions that para con is rarely used, but I hear it often enough to warrant this question.

On the other hand, the Wikipedia article references the Diccionario panhispánico de dudas with respect to the use of a por and por.

When is the compound preposition para con preferable to just using con?

  • Why was the nice general usage tag discarded and only this unnecessarily narrow word-usage tag kept? This question is the perfect example where the former works and the latter does not, since it's about a phrase rather than a word. "Term" could be used to cover both, but plain old "usage" is also perfectly fine. Commented Dec 10, 2011 at 13:23

1 Answer 1


Jaime, there's simply no rule or case when para con is preferable than con or simply para.

Remember that para con is just a formal preposition combination (I'll agree that rarely used), but its emphatic meaning make it well suited for its use within legal documents (just to super-clarify). Anyway, you can just use hacia, en relación a or just para.

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