Wiktionary defines 'nitpick' as
- To correct minutiae or find fault in unimportant details; to kvetch.
I have found several translations, but I'm not sure at all of which to use.
- Fijarse en pequeñeces, criticar cualquier cosa por inconsecuente que sea, encontrar errores por todas partes, poner atención a cosas inconsecuentes, preocuparse en exceso de detalles inconsecuentes, ser demasiado escrupuloso
Criticar por gusto, criticar por cosas inconsecuentes
Sacarle faltas a todo; buscarle tres pies al gato
encontrarle tres pies al gato
- ser un tiquismiquis
- [Ar] encontrarle la quinta pata al gato, encontrarle el pelo al huevo
With so many different translations, it seems that none fits exactly, and that there may be regional differences. What would be the most commonly used?
Additionally: what would be the translation for the noun ('a nitpick')?