I'm watching this video from a Latin American psychologist and I'm confused by some of the grammatical constructions. I think I understand everything she is saying but I don't why certain things are phrased the way they are.
For example when she says "Segundo, escucho música alegre que me gusta y que pueda cantar." In the subordinate clause why is the first verb "me gusta" in the indicative but the second verb "pueda" in the subjunctive?
Also when she says, “El ayuda a enfocarme en la actividad y en lo que siente mi cuerpo, así que me distraigo temporalmente de las preocupaciones y estresores para cuando esté más calmada poder resolverlas.” This sentence just feels very weirdly phrased and I don’t know how to translate it. “Exercise helps me focus on the activity and on what my body feels so I distract myself from my worries and stressors temporarily for when I am calmer to able to resolve it.” Is that correct?
Thirdly when she says “Así que siempre, lo mejor es que estas técnicas vengan de un proceso de ensayo y error.” Is the correct translation: “Like always, the best thing is that these techniques come from a process of trial and error?”