What is best or correct way to translate insurance deductible
- deducible de seguro
- tiene de deducible
According to Wikipedia, the English article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deductible is linked to the Spanish one http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deducible. So you can just say:
I did some research on "deducible" and "franquicia" in Spanish and it does match this meaning: the money you have to pay before the insurance starts covering any cost. You have an accident and for example, the first 600 euros of reparations are covered by you. The rest, by the insurance company.
For example in http://www.pacificoseguros.com/site/conociendodeseguros/Autos/-Qu%C3%A9-es-el-deducible-o-franquicia.aspx
Es el monto mínimo o porcentaje de los gastos que se encuentran amparados por la póliza, que le corresponde pagar al asegurado por el derecho de atención del siniestro. Ambos términos significan lo mismo y suelen ser utilizados indistintamente.