I was translating a certificate from a crematorium but I got stuck at the last paragraph. It says

"... entregamos las prótesis no consumidas en la incineración a un gestor de residuos."

I do understand the most of it but I have no idea how I should translate a un gestor de residuos into English. What is the English equivalent? Anyone can help me please?

1 Answer 1


Gestión de residuos podría ser waste management o incluso Hazardous Waste Management si son peligrosos para el medio ambiente o la salud.

Dado el contexto, ignoro si "manager" (waste manager) sería la mejor traducción, y debería ser un "(Hazardous) Waste agent/factory/plant/...".

I think that the best translation would be

We give any prothesis not consumed in the incineration/cremation to a waste management facility.

  • Gracias, Diego! So, if I say "the manager of the waste management facility", would it be acceptable or a stretch?
    – Magpie
    Commented Sep 25, 2015 at 16:45
  • Well, you don't really give it to the manager, like if you were giving these wastes "in hand", and certainly you don't give it to a high rank manager (in any case, maybe to some other kind of employee: a driver worker, etc.). These wastes are delivered to (or pick up by) the facility. So I would be more prone to translate as "we give any unconsumed prothesis to a waste management facility". I'll edit the answer to include this.
    – Diego
    Commented Sep 25, 2015 at 17:00
  • Diego, you are fantastic! Thank you very much for your great insight!!
    – Magpie
    Commented Sep 25, 2015 at 17:05

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