The verb rotar is always related to the movement which is regularly to roll around one axis. For example rotate an image clockwise or counterwise.
According to our Royal Spanish Academy dictionnary it also means
to burp but it's not common.
There is another sense for rotar in Latin America. It also means to shift work places or to swap tires in the same car or another. It's like exchange.
Example 1: Yo roto las llantas de mi auto. (I swap the tires of my car) In this case could be that I change places of each tire in order to avoid wastage from just one side of the tire.
Example 2:
En nuestra compañía rotamos horarios (In our company we shift turns) In this case could be used as a work shifts. I work 4 hours on the same task then I rest 4 hours while a co-worker replaces me on the same task. This is also used in mining when people works 15 days and rest 15 days with their families. They have a rotation schedule.
In case of rotarlo according to your context could be change its(something) position or replace it.
Maybe it would be useful if you can add the whole context for your word in order to give more suggestions.
can sometimes mean in Spain (don't know if in other countries) "to wish" in a colloquial way. Example: "Si me rota, lo mismo me pongo a tocar el piano".