what does the suffix "-ida" mean?
Academia real gives this definition
- suf. Forma sustantivos derivados de verbos de la segunda y tercera conjugación, que generalmente significan 'acción y efecto'.
What would subida
mean? From Subir
what does the suffix "-ida" mean?
Academia real gives this definition
What would subida
mean? From Subir
What the Academia Real says by
Forma sustantivos derivados de verbos de la segunda y tercera conjugación, que generalmente significan 'acción y efecto'.
is that you would use this suffix with verbs ending in -er and -ir (segunda y tercera conjugación) like "comer" and "subir" (but not "andar").
The meaning of the suffix conveys "this is a result or action of doing verb XXX", but this implication can go beyond "cause and effect".
Subir --> Subida (among other meanings "ascensión, lugar donde comienza una ascensión...")
Salir --> Salida (Among other meanings, "lugar por donde se sale")
Beber --> bebida ("algo que se puede beber")
Comer --> Comida ("algo que se puede comer")
Herir (hacer daño) --> Herida (Daño recibido)
Subida means "ascent"; loosely explained, given that subir means "to go up", subida would mean "what you do when yo go up" (acción) or "the result of you going up" (efecto).
The DRAE has an entry for subida. It is basically
Acción y efecto de subir
but can also mean other things, like the place where you start an ascension
Este es el camino de subida a la montaña.
For a color or smell, means to be very intense
Se enfadó tanto que se puso de un rojo subido.
It works as an intensifier with other adjetives:
Ese chico tiene el guapo muy subido (That guy has heard that he is handsome so many times that he is starting to act annoyingly)
Ese es un chiste subido de tono (That joke is not appropriate for some audiences)