This appears to translate as "crime of the grill" but apparently it is some kind of idiom unrelated to the parrilla torture device. Could you explain it? I've also seen it as "crimen en una parrilla", e.g.,

2 Answers 2


It does not mean anything: "La Parrilla" was just the name of the ranch where the third of a series of murders happened in 1882:

El último de los casos es el recordado como el ‘Crimen de la Parrilla’, por ser en un cortijo llamado así donde supuestamente se perpetró el asesinato, consumado el 4 de diciembre de 1882, de Bartolomé Gago Campos, conocido como ‘Blanco de Benaocaz’.

Notice that "Parrilla" here is written with a capital letter just like in your quote. That means it is a proper name. Like saying "the Boston murders".


Supplementary answer.

You also asked about "crimen en una parrilla." I googled this as an exact phrase. Here's an example hit:

todo comenzó cuando la empleada de la parrilla comenzó a discutir con el hombre

From the context it's clear that "parrilla" here is a certain kind of restaurant. Collins translates it as

grillroom, steak restaurant

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