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Why do we have both "el arte moderno" and "el arte métrica"? What is the historical origin of this redundancy?

In "el agua fría", we have to use the article "el" because of the stressed "a". The same thing is seen in "el arte métrica". Now in "el arte métrica", ...
Arunabh's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Why do some words which violate gender rules? What is the historical origin of this redundancy?

The word "joven" means "youth". A male youth is called "el joven" and a female youth is called "la joven". However, I noticed that there words like "la ...
Arunabh's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

How do you say "I have two sons"?

"Yo tengo dos hijos" means I have two children or I have two sons. I assume this means "children" by default, but how do you then say: "I have two sons"? Of course, I could add "Y no hijas" but this ...
Little Bobby Tables's user avatar
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Male vs. Generic noun gender ambiguity

"Hermanos" means both "brothers" and "siblings". How do you know which is meant?
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