The counting numbers with which we are all familiar are usually based on a decimal system, counting in tens. This is not universal and some languages count in twenties. Of particular interest here are two languages whose primary area adjoins Spain: French and Basque. In French the numbers from 60 to 80, and from 80 to 100 still move in twenties with no separate number for 70 or 90 at least in French spoken in France, other francophone countries do have such words. According to the Wikipedia article on the sistema vigesimal Basque uses twenties although I have no way of checking that personally. Given that proximity I am asking whether this was ever true in Spanish.
Note that I am talking here specifically about use in the counting numbers. I know that Spanish, in common with other languages, has words for various collections like docena and including veinteno but that is not part of the counting system just meaning as the DLE states
- f. Conjunto de 20 unidades.
I know we do not usually consider the other languages spoken in Spain but if anyone has any insights drawn from the other languages spoken in the Pyrenean region they might be useful and interesting.