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How did words starting with f- become h-? [duplicate]

Many Spanish words that nowadays begin with h- used to begin with f-, for example: hacer < facere (PT fazer, IT fare, FR faire), hijo < filius (PT filho, IT figlio, FR fils) haya < fagea (PT ...
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Does muñeca (doll) have a non-ñ form?

In Tagalog, the word for "doll" is manika derived from Spanish muñeca. I'm wondering why this word is spelled manika and not manyika. The ñ sound is always preserved and transcribed as ny in other ...
muñecabrava's user avatar
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How are words with "ps" or "pt" pronounced?

Here are a few examples: psicología ptosis Ptolomeo Interestingly "sicología" is also found in the RAE but most of the time I've seen it written as "psicología". How are they pronounced?...
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