'Exiliados, emigrados y retornados. Chilenos en América y Europa, 1973-2004''Exiliados, emigrados y retornados. Chilenos en América y Europa, 1973-2004', del escritor José del Pozo Artigas ISBN: 956-284-498-6.
The 'presidente de Argentina' (as 2015), herself, said she wanted to be addressed as 'presidenta'. Some did not agree, others didn't accept it, nevertheless the majority of the media got used to using the feminine form 'presidenta'; readers got used to reading it. This illustrates the degree of power an administration has over the official and public usage of a language, in the end affecting us all. Just as rulers through history have even changed the religion of a country in order to achieve their own agendas. Please do not misunderstand my mentioning of this inevitable consequence, a political view! 'La presidente de Chile', Michele Bachelet, through permanent and official communications, overriding the neutral/generic term still figuring in the Chilean constitution, which refers to 'Presidente', establishes her persona as 'La Presidenta de la República', which can be verified at the following source: 'Contacte con La Presidenta'
'Contacte con La Presidenta'
A good example of the social engineering facilitated by educational overrides and changes are ministerial mandates. Keep in mind education of languages at school are directed by/through ministerial resolutions, a task of the government in place. You and I, learnt to use the language as a combination of social interaction and school studies and both are imprinted in us forever. If the Ministry of Education wants you to refer to the 'president' as 'presidenta', include changes in the curriculum, modernisms, even remove certain previously accepted and taught matters, etc., you'll learn so at school, because teachers must comply with the government's educational resolutions. You can read further on how the educational curricula get periodically updated at the following sources provided, for instance, on the Ecuadorian Ministry of Education or the Argentinian Federal Council for Education. To read more about new social engineering against what has been accepted as natural and correct, you can read the paper 'Michelle Bachelet, un icono del feminismo radical, al frente de Chile' by José Ángel Gutiérrez, 2014 on the following source.:
'Michelle Bachelet, un icono del feminismo radical, al frente de Chile' by José Ángel Gutiérrez, 2014.