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vartec's user avatar
vartec's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
31 votes

Is "me gustas" ever correct, e.g. to say "I like you"?

29 votes

Difference between Spanish and Catalan

21 votes

"xq" in Internet slang/abbreviations

16 votes

Is/Was there a Basic Spanish?

14 votes

Does using "tío" imply a negative opinion?

8 votes

Translation of 'I was the one who did it'

8 votes

When should I use 'al'?

7 votes

¿Cómo se llama la característica que tiene el español, y otros idiomas, por la que las vocales siempre se pronuncian de la misma manera?

7 votes

¿Por qué la gente se ríe cuando me presento como "Fénix, como el ave"?

7 votes

Learning programming in a Spanish speaking country

7 votes

Are there any subtle differences between "de nuevo" and "otra vez"?

7 votes

"Vaso de agua" or "vaso con agua"? Which is correct?

6 votes

usted and its usage

6 votes

Translation of "real estate"

6 votes

Mejico or Mexico?

5 votes

¿Existe la palabra "modularizar" en español?

5 votes

Differences between "aun", "hasta", and "incluso" to indicate extremes?

5 votes

What is apercibido?

5 votes

Is there a standard, most common, or most neutral Spanish term for "chat room"?

4 votes

Difference between 'trabajar para' and 'trabajar por'

4 votes

What is the difference between 'hallar' and 'encontrar'?

4 votes

What is the best way to refer to those of Spanish descent or language?

4 votes

justicia: justice and righteousness?

4 votes

What does the "lo" in "pasarlo bien" refer to?

3 votes

What is the difference between "ser cierto" and "ser verdad"?

3 votes

Ways to say "you're welcome"

3 votes

judging something as poor (objectively) , bad (emotionally)

3 votes

Definition of 'escuela' and 'colegio'

2 votes

How to decide between "ahora" and "ya" for the sense "now"?

2 votes

What are the origin, meaning and connotations of "gringo" in Spanish?