15 votes

Translating legal document - what is "fs. 9 de autos"?

In Spanish legal language, "fs." means "fojas" (folio). It is not the same as "page", because it includes both sides, front and reverse. Black's Law Dictionary gives this explanation and definition: ...
Gustavson's user avatar
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5 votes

Use of "usted" to convey formality *and* affection? (in Ecuador)

I do not know much about Ecuadorian way of speaking but since you asked about Colombia let me say this. We mainly use two forms: Usted and Vos. (there are many questions on this site about tuteo and ...
DGaleano's user avatar
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4 votes

Use of "usted" to convey formality *and* affection? (in Ecuador)

It seems that the use of "usted" to indicate affection is quite frequent in several countries in Latin America. At a footnote on page 8 of this paper, I have found this statement belonging ...
Gustavson's user avatar
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1 vote

Use of "usted" to convey formality *and* affection? (in Ecuador)

I have a close friend from Ecuador, who always uses usted with me. My friend explained that their upbringing inculcated the custom of using usted with almost 100% of everyone they dealt with. I ...
aparente001's user avatar
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«Por la mañana» frente a «en la mañana»

En España se dice sin duda alguna 'por la mañana/tarde/noche'. Diría que la construcción 'en la mañana/tarde/noche' es usada por hablantes hispanoamericanos, aunque desconozco si es generalizado o ...
sanzante's user avatar
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¿Es el español de Perú y/o Ecuador realmente más cercano al europeo?

Compartí esta pregunta en Reddit y recibí una respuesta la mar de interesante: Alguna vez un amigo políglota de Texas, que era parte del staff del concurso Miss Universo, y que no es de origen latino,...

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