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16 votes

What does "bis" mean in an address?

bis Del lat. bis 'dos veces'. ... 4. adj. U. pospuesto a un número de una serie para indicar que este sigue inmediatamente a ese mismo número ya empleado. Puerta 5 bis. So, in this context it means ...
jacobo's user avatar
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16 votes

What is the correct (most common) translation for 'damas'?

Damas means "ladies" or "dames". It's a bit old-fashioned. You'll find it in the stock phrase "damas y caballeros" ("ladies and gentlemen"), but this kind of thing is on its way out. You'll also see ...
pablodf76's user avatar
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15 votes

What are the origin, meaning and connotations of "gringo" in Spanish?

English with Original Quotes in Spanish (Answer with quotes translated below) The overwhelming evidence is that gringo originated in Spain in the 1700s or earlier from griego, ‘Greek’, in the sense ...
Jacinto's user avatar
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12 votes

Meaning of "un jugo de latita o de latota"?

You do not mention where this happened, but in some places (Puerto Rico comes to mind) la tota is slang for a woman external sexual organs. So the bartender was indeed very rude.
Gorpik's user avatar
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12 votes

What is the difference between "cerebro" and "seso"?

The difference in meaning is strictly as you've found: cerebro is the organ and seso is the tissue it's made of. But then you have figurative meanings and things get complicated fast. Cerebro is ...
pablodf76's user avatar
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11 votes

¿Es "castidad" lo opuesto a "lujuria"?

Para el cristianismo existen los llamados "siete pecados capitales" (lujuria, gula, avaricia, pereza, ira, envidia, soberbia), y a éstos les corresponden siete virtudes reconocidas por el catecismo. ...
pablodf76's user avatar
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10 votes

Age range of niño, chico, muchacho, joven, etc

This answer is primarily Spain based, particularly south Spain (Andalucía), although there are a few words included here that i don't usually hear in my surroundings. Diego mijelshon's answer is ...
Brian H.'s user avatar
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10 votes

What is the meaning of "tuteándome" in Spanish?

It is the gerund conjugation of verb "tutear", which is "tuteando", plus the personal pronoun "me". "Tutear" means to treat someone with the colloquial singular 2nd person "tú" particle, instead of ...
Jalo's user avatar
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10 votes

¿Hay alguna diferencia entre tebeo, historieta y cómic?

En España, a la historieta se la ha llamado también tebeo. Dicho término, puramente local, tiene su origen en la revista TBO, y designa sobre todo a la publicación que contiene historietas, siendo ...
Diego's user avatar
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10 votes

En el DLE ¿hay más casos de acepciones tan localizadas regionalmente como la 5ª de "cuesco"?

Acá van algunas. Las minas (y hornos) de Almadén parecen ser bastante populares en el DRAE. Sospecho de algún académico almadenense. asnado 1. m. En las minas de Almadén, en España, cada madero de ...
angus's user avatar
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10 votes

Word that sounds like "piso", means something like "offering"?

The word is indeed piso, this is its first occurrence in The Cartel: When Adán ruled the trade, it didn’t matter—he controlled the border crossings into El Paso, Laredo, and San Diego. But with him ...
rsanchez's user avatar
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10 votes

Does 'hacer alguien matar' mean to make somebody kill or to get sb killed?

It's a special meaning of hacer. DRAE: tr. Obligar a que se ejecute aquello que expresa un verbo en infinitivo o una cláusula introducida por que. Le hizo venir. Hizo que nos fuésemos. ...
aparente001's user avatar
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10 votes

Does "que" mean "what" or "that" or both?

"Que" without an accent is always "that", that is to say, a conjunction or a relative pronoun: Dice que le gusta la pizza (He says that he likes pizza). (conjunction) La pizza ...
Gustavson's user avatar
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10 votes

Does "que" mean "what" or "that" or both?

The distinction between the accented and unaccented forms of qué, cuándo, cuál, cómo, etc. has everything to do with whether or not the word is used to reference something known (declarative) or ...
Polyhat's user avatar
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9 votes

Definition of 'escuela' and 'colegio'

I am adding this summary following what was discussed in Juntemos en respuestas wiki las respuestas cortas específicas de regiones / Let's use community wiki to summarize set of short region specific ...
9 votes

What does "tertulia" mean?

No, tertulia means "salon", "talk-show", "conversation"... Check the RAE translation: tertulia f. Reunión de personas que se juntan habitualmente para conversar o recrearse. [...] ...
FGSUZ's user avatar
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8 votes

Meaning of 'bimensual'

According to the DRAE there is no possible confusion: bimensual De bi- y mensual. adj. Que se hace u ocurre dos veces al mes. bimestral adj. Que sucede o se repite cada ...
Charlie's user avatar
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8 votes

¿Es correcto utilizar la palabra "desencriptar"?

Que una palabra no venga en el diccionario no quiere decir que no exista. Este probablemente sea uno de esos casos de palabra compuesta con significado transparente. Sabemos que encriptar viene en el ...
Charlie's user avatar
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8 votes

¿Qué significa "che"?

Se podría hacer una comparación de "che" con el estadounidense "hey". Como significar, no significa nada. De todas maneras, muchas veces para llamar a alguien (conocido) se le dice por ejemplo "¡che! ...
user17366's user avatar
8 votes

El curioso caso de los planetas en el diccionario

Vamos por partes. ¿Por qué en pleno siglo XVIII el diccionario seguía considerando al sol y a la luna como "planetas"? Para la Iglesia Católica el heliocentrismo quedó asociado al caso Galileo y se ...
pablodf76's user avatar
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8 votes

Word that sounds like "piso", means something like "offering"?

There is a Spanish expression that goes "pagar derecho de piso" which is like the English "to pay their dues". For example if you are new at school or the office people might be less nice to you at ...
Santiago Tórtora's user avatar
8 votes

What does "alto" mean on a stop sign?

Alto as a noun is the name of the stop sign in some parts of America; as an exclamation ("¡Alto!") it means "stop!" in all the Spanish speaking countries. See Alto in the Diccionario de la Lengua ...
Sor Virtudes's user avatar
8 votes

Is "ocho días" neutral Spanish?

It appears ocho días = one week is common in some regions. I've never heard it in Argentina, nor the expressions mentioned in the other question (such as de aquí en ocho). It's either siete días or ...
pablodf76's user avatar
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8 votes

What's the name of a chupachús when it is not a Chupa-chups?

De acuerdo con lo indicado en el artículo chupachús de la Wikipedia, así como contrastando con lo que comenta el Diccionario de americanismos, tenemos las siguientes palabras: bolón: RD. Paleta de ...
8 votes

darse cuenta vs caer en la cuenta

Both expressions are similar. However, "caer en la cuenta" is less usual than "darse cuenta", and this is because "caer en la cuenta" suggests a more extraordinary or less expected realization, one ...
Gustavson's user avatar
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8 votes

What is the meaning of 'bajita la mano'?

That one is easy for me as a Colombian. Bajita la mano means at least This comes from signaling with the hand how much something is. So when you say "bajita la mano ya va por los 200..." you want to ...
DGaleano's user avatar
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7 votes

¿Cuándo uso "acabar" vs. "terminar"? / When do I use "acabar" vs. "terminar"?

Maybe some sentences sound better with one or another verb, varying with the region, but the two verbs are quite common in speech and writing. You can use any of the two in almost any situation. Let'...
Charlie's user avatar
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