1) SPANISH (WHAT HE HAS ON HIS ARM): "Nacer en El Perdriel fue y será lo mejor que me pasó en la vida" TRANSLITERATION: "Being born in/from Perdriel was and will be the best that happened in life" TRANSLATION: "The best that happened in my life was and will be being born in Stone Creek" 2) SPANISH (WHAT HE SHOULD HAVE DONE): "Nacer en El Pedriel siempre será lo mejor que me ha pasado en mi vida" TRANSLITERATION: "Being born at/from Pedriel will always be the best that have happened in my life" TRANSLATION: "The best thing that have happened in my life has been born at Stone Creek. To summarize, option number 2) and replace for the other subject: 'Omega Hanggara' instead of 'Pedriel' It is not Perdriel. The tattoo artist made a huge misspell.