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When should you use the preterite or the imperfect to express past time?

This is a canonical question / Esta es una pregunta canónica There are two ways to express simple past time actions and conditions in Spanish. One is the preterite, Comí tacos. I ate tacos. ...
Brian's user avatar
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21 votes
6 answers

Is "me gustas" ever correct, e.g. to say "I like you"?

We have been taught that 'gustar' is an unusual verb and that you only ever use 'gusta' or 'gustan' depending on whether you like singular or plural things. Would you use 'me gustas' to say 'I like ...
David Pashley's user avatar
18 votes
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Difference between -iera and -iese ending of the imperfect subjunctive

There are two forms of the imperfect subjunctve in use, for example, pudiera, pudieras, pudiera, pudiéramos, pudierais, pudieran and pudiese, pudieses, pudiese, pudiésemos, pudieseis, pudiesen I ...
John Powell's user avatar
16 votes
6 answers

“Habría” or “Hubiera”: ¿Si lo hubieran anotado, después no les "hubiera" o "habría" costado tanto recordarlo?

Dada la siguiente oración: Si lo hubieran anotado, después no les hubiera (habría) costado tanto recordarlo. se ve que la primera aparición de hubieran está bien utilizada, pero a veces la segunda ...
Nicolás Ozimica's user avatar
14 votes
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"s" final en tiempo pretérito indefinido: -aste(s), -iste(s)

Español La segunda persona singular del pretérito indefinido generalmente termina en "-aste" o "-iste". En muchos lugares, la gente agrega una "s" final a estas palabras (por ejemplo, hablastes en ...
jrdioko's user avatar
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When is it OK to use a subjunctive form instead of the conditional?

My question is a follow-up of this question. So, with the following sentence, we have querer conjugated in the subjunctive, imperfect past: Quisiera algo de agua, por favor. | I would like some ...
Rock Anthony Johnson's user avatar
3 votes
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¿Cuál es el papel del infinitivo en una frase con pasiva refleja?

En una frase como esta: Es una nieve que no se ve caer, más bien es una nieve que solo se ve desaparecer. Supongo que esta construcción es correcta —mi intuición me dice que lo es—. Pero ¿cuál es ...
Cerulean's user avatar
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Duda pretérito perfecto e imperfecto

Estoy corrigiendo un texto sobre una película, tratando de ayudar a un amigo que está aprendiendo español, y tengo una duda sobre el uso del pretérito perfecto e imperfecto. Cuantas más vueltas le doy,...
MikO's user avatar
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Uso del imperfecto y pretérito

Uso de los verbos en el tiempo pasado. "Recios golpes sonar en la puerta". La frase es de Josefa Martin Garcia. ¿Por qué usa el pretérito en vez del imperfecto?
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Present perfect progressive I have been doing

I was wondering - what could be the best ways to express actions that began in the past, but are still continuing in the present? In English you would say "I have been doing this", meaning it was ...
Alex's user avatar
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Is there any subtle difference between the two forms of the imperfect subjuntive?

The imperfect subjuntive has two forms. For example: Ojalá viniera. Ojalá viniese. I think both has the same meaning. However, is there any subtle difference?
J. Calleja's user avatar
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"ir a «infinitive»" vs. future tense

There are two ways to indicate a future action, ir a «infinitive» and the future tense. How do I decide which to use when? Is one form more common when spoken or in writing? Is there a regional ...
Flimzy's user avatar
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estuve vs estaba: When do I use imperfect versus preterite for "estar"?

When do I use imperfect versus preterite for estar? I heard there are special rules here. Cuando estuve en Nueva York yo vi la Estatua de la Libertad Cuando estaba en Nueva York yo tomaba el ...
john mangual's user avatar
9 votes
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What is the future subjunctive and how was it used?

I've heard that there used to be another tense in Spanish called the "future-subjunctive" ¡A donde fueres, haz lo que vieres! I've heard the above means in a literal sense, "to where you will go, ...
Gordon Gustafson's user avatar
8 votes
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Are there three past continuous tenses in Spanish? When can I use Pretérito imperfecto / imperfecto progresivo / indefinido progresivo?

This is a canonical question / Esta es una pregunta canónica Are there three different past continuous tenses? When I tried to learn the past continuous, I came across three different tenses that ...
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7 votes
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Does indirect speech in Spanish require changes in tense, mood, etc?

In German you have to use different moods, in English different tenses for verbs to mark indirect speech (speech where you are saying what was said or expressed): He said that he had painted the ...
Hauser's user avatar
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¿Es válido decir "eso pasó ahorita"?

En Medellín (Colombia) se dice mucho "eso pasó ahorita", pero parecería ser que "ahora" o "ahorita" es más de futuro. Ejemplo: Ellos vienen ahora. o Ellos llegaron ahorita. No suena bien.
Luis Valencia's user avatar
6 votes
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¿Cuál es el origen de las conjugaciones con "cu-" y "su-" de los verbos "caber" y "saber"?

Partiendo de esta pregunta, en la que se afirma que los verbos saber y caber tienen la misma conjugación porque vienen de verbos muy similares del latín que también se conjugaban igual, me dio por ...
Charlie's user avatar
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¿Cuál es la explicación del uso del presente simple con función de futuro?

Esto es algo que he estado cuestionándome hace rato. En Chile es común usar las formas simples con expresiones de este estilo: — No me gusta el arroz. — Yo me lo como entonces. Creo que es ...
Schwale's user avatar
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¿Cuándo se dividieron las tres formas del pretérito imperfecto de subjuntivo en dos tiempos diferentes?

Al hilo de lo investigado para ¿Tienen o han tenido algún nombre concreto las dos formas del pretérito imperfecto de subjuntivo?, me encuentro con que en el siglo XVIII, allá cuando la ...
Charlie's user avatar
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How to say Thanks for confirming? "Gracias por confirmar" or "Gracias por haber confirmado"?

What is the correct translation of "Thanks for confirming"? Gracias por confirmar (futuro) or Gracias por haber confirmado (pasado)
henpat's user avatar
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Tiempos verbales

"Pablo Ruiz Picasso, nacido en Málaga en 1881, comenzó a pintar desde muy temprana edad, mostrando ya una habilidad extraordinaria. Después de trabajar en Barcelona, se trasladó a Paris a comienzos de ...
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understanding the difference between the subjunctive and the future tense [duplicate]

I'm trying (& struggling) to learn about the subjunctive. I am working through the examples on this web page. So there is a sentence which translate in English as "When I go to visit you, I will ...
mHelpMe's user avatar
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12 votes
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¿Por qué se usa el subjuntivo en "quien fuera uno de los fundadores"?

La portada del libro Guerra de Yugurta (ISBN 968366153X) tiene esta frase: La Biblioteca Sciptorvm Graecorvm et Romanorvm edita por segunda ocasión la Guerra de Yugurta, los Fragmentos de las ...
Michael Wolf's user avatar
7 votes
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How many verbal forms are there in Spanish? // ¿Cuántas formas verbales hay en español?

This is a canonical question / Esta es una pregunta canónica It turns out that I am learning English and I have doubts about the verbal forms of that language, but seeing this I realized that I am ...
Premier's user avatar
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¿Es "haber de" el origen del futuro simple en español?

En el DPD se explica el uso de haber de + infinitivo cuando se usa para hablar del futuro: ... A veces expresa, simplemente, acción futura: «¡No he de morir hasta enmendarlo!» (Cuzzani Cortés [Arg. ...
Mauricio Martinez's user avatar
6 votes
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¿Sólo estar durmiendo es mejor que estar dormido?

Aun a día de hoy se sigue hablando de aquella famosa anécdota de don Camilo, ya mencionada en este sitio en otra ocasión: "No es lo mismo estar dormido que estar durmiendo, como no es lo mismo ...
Charlie's user avatar
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5 votes
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Is Conditional in Spanish a Tense or a Mood?

The Wikipedia article on Spanish verbs (as of 31.01.2016) states that The Spanish conditional, although semantically expressing the dependency of one action or proposition on another, is generally ...
Honza Zidek's user avatar
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¿Se debe usar el indicativo o el subjuntivo en esta pregunta?

Hace unos meses, se hizo esta pregunta: ¿Cuál es la palabra más larga en español que no repite ninguna letra? En un comentario pregunté si sería mejor usar el subjuntivo —es decir, emplear repita en ...
Michael Wolf's user avatar
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Using past participle vs. the present tense

I came across a sentence that began: Con esto queda demostrado que . . . My question is, could one also say Esto demuestra que . . . If both are correct (which I suspect they are) then ...
1024's user avatar
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Spanish names for preterite and imperfect tenses

In school, I learned that the Spanish past tenses were called preterite and imperfect in English, and preterito and imperfecto in Spanish. However, in talking to native speakers I've run across other ...
jrdioko's user avatar
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"Déjame pagar" vs "Deja que pague yo" - are both correct?

I'm studying the subjunctive mood, and I generally understand it, I just think not all of the sentences require it, examples (the first sentences in each pair are the correct ones according to the ...
wujek's user avatar
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"Tuvo" vs "tenía"

What is the difference between 'tuvo' and 'tenía'? Por ejemplo, "Mi mamá fue a la tienda porque tuvo que comprar leche." vs "Mi mamá fue a la tienda porque tenía que comprar leche." Which one is ...
Tanner's user avatar
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¿Por qué el verbo "tener" introduce una "i" en ciertas conjugaciones, como "tú tienes" o "ellos tienen"?

Estaba pensando en el verbo tener y su conjugación en el presente del indicativo: persona singular plural 1.ª tengo tenemos 2.ª tienes tenéis 3.ª tiene tienen Vemos que la 3ª persona del plural, ...
fedorqui's user avatar
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Are the following words indicating mental state ever used in preterit tense?

I'm reading the book Complete Spanish Grammar by Gilda Nissenberg. In page 56 is the following paragraph: The imperfect is also used to express the past: To indicate a mental state, a mental action, ...
xji's user avatar
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When do you use the present progressive and the simple present for continuous actions?

I am having trouble differentiating between these two tenses when dealing with continuous actions. What I have learnt is that the present progressive is used to emphasize that an action is currently ...
Simple 's user avatar
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What is the name of the tense formed with "llevo + gerundio"?

Is this its own tense? E.g. "Llevo estudiando español desde hace un año." Is this a tense? What's its name? In English it would be like "I have been ..." and it's called the present perfect. What ...
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How is the imperfect of 'acabar de [+ infinitive] translated to English?

Does yo acababa de cenar translate to: I had just finished eating dinner or I was just finishing eating dinner
Rock Anthony Johnson's user avatar
2 votes
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Should I use preterit or imperfect to express something that used to happen repeatedly?

For example, if I wanted to say "They used to travel every day", which would I use: Ellos viajaron cada día. Ellos viajaban cada día.
Bob's user avatar
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"Today" and "Tomorrow" with the weather

I am trying to say Today is cold and raining, but thankfully tomorrow is sunny and a little bit cloudy. Would this be correct? Hoy es hace frio y llueve, pero por suerte mañana va a hace sol ...
user1's user avatar
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"Puesto que" + modo verbal

No sé si lo que pienso es correcto. En el momento siguiente prefirió quedarse en silencio puesto que la situación hubiera resultado rara. La gramática española dice que después de "puesto que" ...
Aurora's user avatar
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Different use of tenses in Iberian vs South American (and/or Andean) Spanish

Are the tenses in Iberian vs Central/South American Spanish used differently? I know there are a lot of Spanish variants spoken in the Andes, for example. Do all of them use the present perfect (yo he ...
Teusz's user avatar
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Sentence with more than one conjugated verb

I read that when you have two verbs in a sentence the second one should be in the infinitive form. So I saw the line below (may well be incorrect in which case my question is moot). So we have ...
mHelpMe's user avatar
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Is present progressive considered to be a type of verb phrase?

I am supposed to highlight verb phrases in a book for my Spanish II summer project. Does present progressive count, or is it considered something else, in a different category as verb phrases such as "...
Johnny Dollard's user avatar
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¿Es "he estado cocinando" un tiempo compuesto, una perífrasis o ambas?

Tengo dificultad clasificando la oración: "Hoy he estado cocinando todo el día." Por un lado, al consultar la RAE (vease el inciso 3 "verbo auxiliar") la presencia del verbo he + estado indica que ...
Carlos K's user avatar
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What is "Imperfect 2" tense in subjunctive mood? [duplicate]

While looking at dictionary for conjugation, I saw this strange tense: conocer – to know, to meet ... Subjunctive Imperfect yo conociera tú conocieras Imperfect 2 ...
iBug's user avatar
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What is the meaning of "como" in the 'Como te (alejar) de la orilla, no te traigo mañana'?

Given this sentence: Como te (alejar) _____ de la orilla, no te traigo mañana. This sentence is from an exercise and I guess the correct form of the verb "alejar" is "alejas". On the other hand, ...
Volkan Ersoy's user avatar
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Using the present indicative to communicate about the future

In Spanish and some other languages (e.g. French and German), we can use the present indicative tense plus an appropriate adverb to communicate about the future, for example Mañana voy al ...
aparente001's user avatar
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Why subjunctive in 'Me pidió que le *llamara*'?

Me pidió que le llamara Why is a subjunctive used here -- 'llamara', and not a normal verb? why does "pedir" denote request and, for instance, "decir" -- not? What determines whether or not a verb is ...
jijino's user avatar
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Why is the subjunctive used here? [duplicate]

I was watching the first episode of Élite on Netflix and I came across this exchange: “No dejan hacer nada que mole.” “Depende de lo que te mole.” Why is molar in the subjunctive here?
jacoballens's user avatar